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  • Quote Originally Posted by numbere
    The hcg should br dosed 250 IU twice a week from start to 3 days before PCT. 40 mg for the first week and 20 mg for the next three weeks would be good for nolva. Test at 500 mg/week is perfect for a first cycle. Dbol on top of test is rather excessive, especially before you know how to control your e2. You have to learn to walk before you can run. IMO save a dbol for a later cycle when your results from only test begin to slow. What are your plans for blood work?

    I will definitely do some more reading and hear some more input in terms of what to run for my first cycle. It has been chopped to pieces lol but that’s a good thing. I want it to be a good first cycle. In terms of blood work I plan on on getting it done before the cycle, about midway through and then about 4-6 weeks after PCT.

    Quote Originally Posted by inyourface
    i personally prefer keeping the DBol dosage the same, especially for a first cycle, dont push it. 30mg a day should see great results! also get some Nolvadex for your PCT to take with the clomid

    I will definitely do that. I wasn’t too sure if I should run the dbol at a constant dose or increase it as the weeks progressed. I will also pick up so Nolva as well. How would you dose it? 40mg for 4 weeks?

    Quote Originally Posted by Martens
    AI should be .25 eod unless you have pulled BW to prove you need additional AI. Gaining and keeping 15-20 solid pounds on cycle and keeping it all is a tall order. How about a more realistic 10 pounds and keeping 8 if your lucky. I would try to get that bf down to 15% in order to have a productive cycle. Intending on running Hcg? It will help with recovery hence you will keep more of your gains.

    I appreciate the advice man. My purpose behind starting in about 6 months is to just make sure I’m fully prepared, like getting my BF down to 15% etc. I just don’t want to half ass my first cycle at all. I want to be prepared as possible. As far as HCG goes I haven’t really given it any thought to be honest. Would you run it (the HCG) as 250iu twice/week?

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