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- November 3, 2020 at 5:39 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
Originally Posted by MaxBoss
What’s the reasoning behind injecting horses with EQ and not deca?EQ, Deca , Winstrol .. they are all used in veterinary medicine. and its not just horses. cattle, sheep, etc. EQ is just the most heard of just because it does not have a medical use in humans , but still deca and winny are used in vet medicine just as well as EQ.
even cats and dogs may receive injections of deca, depending on their condition.most the time these are used on sick animals or to help an animal heal and retain muscle and bone mass post surgery or post injury.
note – and as we all know , Tren and Estrogen injections are also used. this is mainly to help animals put on mass and increase feed efficiency (tren does not bulk the animals up very well without high dosages of estrogen with it though, thats why they use both together)
- November 3, 2020 at 5:05 am
- in reply to: Test and eq cycle
Originally Posted by Bolo
I never hear guys talking about dbol raising hematocrit and hemoglobin which is ironic cause that’s the only drug that’s raised my rbc’s so high that I was getting nose bleeds every time I leaned over.interesting side note . EQ is really nothing more then injectable Dbol (they just un-mehtylated Dbol and removed the 17alka .. but other then that its chemically the same drug). of course that shows how much a drug can change its nature, one being made for oral consumption and one made for injection only (big difference between the two now)
- November 3, 2020 at 4:48 am
- in reply to: Tren and Cardio
Originally Posted by THE ROCK
Idk right now but will see how I react to it, the shortness of breath and reduced endurance makes me wonder why anyone would run tren rather than something like dbol or winnya slight decrease in cardio capacity from tren is not really a negative at all when you think about how much strength increase you get from it.
and as gym rats I’d take the increase in strength over the cardio any day.. that fact is, if Tren makes your cardio harder, you’ll burn more calories and get leaner anyway. so its not that bad a negative at all really- November 3, 2020 at 4:37 am
- in reply to: Dbol – Only Water Weight?
Arnold , Mike Menzer, etc.. seemed to hold on to plenty of muscle using Dbol as their main compound.. thats what they had easy access to and ran, heck lot of those guys didn’t even use test, just gallow said , its "operator error" , if you can’t make gains with Dbol. you piss away all you gains cause your diet and training were not on point and you didn’t run the drug long enough..
the water retention and volumization that come with Dbol is a good thing, not a "negative" side effect.. you need that water retention and volumization to support growth , but the growth process takes time and proper nutrition.
a 4 week blast of Dbol, water retention comes, and you piss it all away and of course you’ll think Dbol is worthless..but you need to hold onto that water retention for months on end and grow into it. thats how Dbol works.
this whole Dbol cycle for only 4 weeks thing to avoid liver toxicity is utter bullshit ..
I’ve ran Dbol for 12 months straight.
guys back in the day like I mentioned got good results and keepable gains from Dbol , but they commited to it and ran it for months on end…
this pussy bullshit 4 week dbol cycles is why you lose your gains.
give the proper nutrition so the Dbol has the co factors, give proper training so the stimulus there, and allow the water retention so reach a state of homeostasis over time and you will find that Dbol does plenty of good shit and plenty of keepable gains- November 3, 2020 at 3:44 am
- in reply to: Deca vs EQ question
couple of things heredeca and EQ shouldn’t even be compared to each other.. they are opposites and in totally different classes of steroids . for some reason guys seem to think they are comparable but they are not. Eq is a test derived anabolic (its simply non alkalated Dbol ), where as Deca is a 19nor progestin derived anabolic
for guys that say Deca just makes you hold water and you lose your gains afterwards, totally BS . these guys are running too much test on their deca cycles and thats why they say this, its the test not the deca.
deca by itself is a PURE Anabolic. its main job is just to simply up regulate protein synthesis as well as blood volume. it does not convert to estrogen nor cause a bunch of water retention and bloat in and of itself. it just builds muscle, hands down. IF you do get bloat from a deca only cycle (without test) its because your sensitive to progestin and thats causing you to be estrogen sensitive (which is fine, that can actually help you put on more muscle)
because Deca is a progestin and makes estrogen work more "powerfully" essentially, its going to build more size and mass then EQ , because EQ can have anti estrogen effects. Deca is also more anabolic then EQ.
EQ is more ‘dry’ in that it does not have estrogenic effects like Deca. which is why some guys may thing EQ gains are more ‘clean’ , but again the estrogenic effects are going to help you build more overall muscle.the similarities.. well both EQ and Deca are mainly anabolics (ie, not displaying much androgenic activity). Deca is less androgenic though and as such is better suited for use by women then Eq. both will help increase blood volume, which results in some weight gain and over a length of time more vascularity and muscle fullness (so I consider both "volumizers"). both have effects on the joints and help strengthen tendons.
personally I use EQ as a ‘filler’ drug, or to cruise on, or to add in to a volumizing phase of a cycle . Deca on the other hand I use as a anabolic and as a stand alone ‘work horse’ compound to help put on size and keepable muscle.
if I could only have one or the other .. Deca hands down
Originally Posted by Oman
Good to know bro ..learn a lot from you ..And which dosage and which week is commonly used on T3 plus Clem stack in cutting cycles
its really dependent on the diet .
but normally I start off a diet (male or female) with a ‘replacement’ dosage of T3.. which is about 25mcg. the average person makes around this much T3 naturally . BUT when your in a natural state, that number can fluctuate based on your diet and your training. when you start dieting your metabolism will likely slow down,, then you have to ‘re feed’ to try to get it to speed back up.
the beauty of just using a replacement dosage of just 25mcg to start your diet is that now the metabolism is a ‘fixed variable’ , now your in control and not prone to fluctuations.
so you can up cardio and lower calories a bit and not be afraid of stalling your metabolism, because of the T3.then when you get deeper into the diet, depending on progress, we may bump it up to like 37.5mcg per week. this is to get a more enhanced effect out of it and start revving the metabolism at higher pace. then can move up to 50mcg from there.
I don’t go higher then thatalso , keep in mind, using Clen WITHOUT T3 will suppress your natural T3 production .. thats why I like to use T3 and Clen together.
what happens is Clen raises body temp. then your body does not know its happening from the Clen itself and thinks its a metabolic issue so it will slow down thyroid production and the metabolism to help regulate body temp from getting clen by itself is not near as effective as combining T3 and clen together
- November 3, 2020 at 1:51 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezy- November 3, 2020 at 12:52 am
- in reply to: T3 or T4: how to take them correctly?
If your trying to decide between T3 or T4if your cutting and on a low carb diet , T3 is going to be best. if your on a high carb diet, utilizing insulin , or just trying to promote nutrient uptake and metabolic support then T4 works fine.
if your running HGH and/or Tren and your thyroid is suppressed, T4 works just fine (as long as your liver is healthy)
if your starting a new diet and you want your metabolism at a ‘fixed’ rate while dialing in the diet and maBambs, T3 is the most optimal (as T3 is actual active thyroid hormone and requires zero conversion).
I often time have clients run T3 at a replacement dosage when starting a new diet just to take the metabolism factor out of the equation to get the diet optimized first and foremost.if your cutting, T3 works best. start with a lower dosage , 12.5-25mcg, and ramp up to 50mcg. when you come off taper back down.
if you just want some metabolic support, then T4 at 75-150mcg works.don’t take T3 with caffeine. its effects are limited when combined with caffeine.
split your T3 dosage up and take it a couple times per day with a meal
if your heart rate and body temperature go way up while on thyroid meds then your taking too high a dosage or too much at once.
when you come off of T3/T4 try supplementation with natty thyroid support like Iodinethose are just a few thoughts I have on the subject
- November 3, 2020 at 12:50 am
- in reply to: Tamoxifen (Nolva) + Anastrozole (Arimidex)
what was the last cycle you did- October 30, 2020 at 6:46 pm
- in reply to: Tamox vs Arimidex?
your only running 250mg of Test .. you really think you need an AI or a SERM with that low of a dose. and you say you like to run EQ, well that has some anti estrogen properties itself.
I know we are all different, but I can run 2000mg of test and 50mg dbol a day and NOT need an AI at all,, but I’m not estrogen sensitive and prefer my E2 to be high when trying to put on size.Also, keep in mind that an AI will not do shit for estrogen related issues that come from Deca (or Tren ). the reason is that estrogen issues that arise from a nandrolone happen via the progestin receptor, not via aromatization (AI’s only blunt aromatization).
your WAY better off in this situation to be running something like Masteron (which blunts estrogen and progestin receptors , especially in breast tissue).
MASTeron .. the word MAST means "breast" . it was a drug that was invented to blunt progestin and estrogen receptors in breast tissues.
thats your best bet when running 19 nors . . imo , ditch the crappy AI’s all together.
Nolva and Masteron are fine.also , 90% of AAS don’t aromatize into estrogen in the first place. so you could simply just run all those AAS and not have to worry about estrogen sides to begin with (having said that, estrogen is a beneficial muscle building IGF promoting hormone, so its always good to have in your cycles if your trying to put on size)
- October 30, 2020 at 6:40 pm
- in reply to: Anadrol causing stomach cramps?
you can always get injectable anadrol in a bottleits got some bite to it though
I use EQ as a ‘filler’ drug most the time.. so lets say I want to run 1000mg of test, but don’t really want the androgenic effects and DHT of 1000mg of test, what I’ll do is run 500mg of test and ‘fill in the gap’ and run 500mg of EQ with that to make up the difference.I use EQ for off cycle cruise phases. if I’m off cycle I’ll run like 300mg of EQ as my "trt"
I use EQ often times at the start of a cycle if I’m starting a volumization phase. I’ll stack it with ‘wet’ bulking compounds. running it high dosage, 1000mg, for about 4 weeks is all (the idea that you have to run eq long term like 12+ weeks is utter BS)..
or again, I’ll use EQ to replace testosterone all together (yes you can run no test cycles no prob)
keep in mind that EQ is mainly a pure anabolic , not an androgen. so your not going to "feel it" per se like you can other AAS. its just working in the background
note- and for the guys that don’t know this .. EQ is simply non methylated injectable Dbol . on paper structurally they are the same exact compound. but in practical use, they are way different (mainly because how the liver deals with dbol.. turns it into a whole new drug pretty much)
- October 30, 2020 at 1:58 pm
- in reply to: Simplest most effective cycle
Originally Posted by Max Payne
My test doses is usually 750 mg or less when i cycle, if i use dbol or winstrol i use 25-50 mg for 6-8 weeks and currently use mast around 300mg per week.Would upping my test to say 2 grams shake things up? Im nervous about the sides id get with acne and bloat but idk maybe throw var in also.
What do u think of Mast instead of Primo, considering idk if i can get legit primo?
2000 mg test
400-600 mast
50-75 var dailyAny feedback on that cycle?
in my log, last winter around dec/jan of last year or so , I ran an experiment with 2000mg of test , 1000mg of Tren , and 500mg of Mast .
went ok, but did not sleep for days and had severe brain fog from the androgen over load. I think it was mainly from the Tren.since then I’ve experimented with high dose Test without issues . 1500-1800 test is not an issue . once you get over 1000+mg of test its like a whole different compound .. have clients that are members of this board that can attest to this as well . Jayd, he did a run of 1500+ and felt amazing and has made massive gains over the last year . Charger who I’m working with for his off season right now, which he has logged in his log, ran a 1500mg of test phase for his off season just recently (he’s the most muscular he’s ever been)..
high dose test blasts have their benefits .its worth a try.. I have zero restraints to blasting 2g of test for several weeks..
side note — the whole reason I did the super high dose test, Tren, Mast, cycle was because of a thoery that I learned about from a chemical biologist that worked for big pharma for 25 years doing nothing but studying the androgen receptor, and his theory was that if you suddenly and massively flood the entire body with androgens your body will go into ‘shock mode’ and rapidly begin up regulating androgen receptor density to accommodate it all . so basically its a way of increasing the amount of androgen receptors you have.
my androgen load during that experiment was like 7500 (ie, = to running 7500mg of test per week) for Masteron . its mainly an androgen with some anabolic properties . I advise running Mast in a majority of cycles. if you ever see one of my client AAS protocols you’ll generally always see Masteron listed as an ancillary (if its not an actual part of the cycle, it still needs to be on hand at all times) . its an extremely usable compound for many situations .
however, mast and primo shouldn’t be compared, though they often times are. totally different drugs. they have some similarity (like lowering SHRonin) but thats it . mast is an androgen mainly , primo is a pure anabolic . mast is cosmetic and has ancillary benefits (like blunting progestin receptors) where as Primo is muscle sparing and mainly just up regulates protein synthesis.
anyhow .. trying to run 2000mg of test , with some Mast in the mix and maybe some Nolva (if your E sensitive) , yes give it a try.
as for Var . save it for a time your on a low dose cruise just to test out and see how Var works for you solo- October 30, 2020 at 1:41 pm
- in reply to: Steroids and endurance
your full of great questions lately Beer.increasing RBC and Hematocrit is great for endurance athletes. This is why you’ll see endurance athletes train at high elevation (increases RBC), this is why you’ll see athletes sleep 8 hours at night in a hyperbaric chamber (increases RBC), why you’ll see some athletes train in full body compression outfits (increases RBC).. and as for drugs like EPO, only reason to take it is increases RBC.
now with steroids can also as we all know increases RBC.
now why is it that some TrueMaxders end up getting lethargic and tired and cardio goes to shit when we run AAS and we get increases in RBC?
because we generally run way different dosages and types of AAS protocols then athletes use. when our RBC is going up, our body weight has likely went up 20 pounds on cycle as well , and we do things that are ‘retentive’ in nature. meaning we are trying to hold a ton of ‘volume’ , more fluid, more total amount of blood (get full and vascular), more nutrient retention in the muscle cells, etc etc..
its this extra ‘volume’ that we put on to make us look big and full that causes the lethargy and the tired feeling . NOT the increase of if we were an endurance athlete and ran an AAS cycle like they would run . say 200mg EQ per week, 20mg Tbol per day. and did 5 hours of cardio like they do and train all the time, we would not be putting on any weight and all this extra ‘volume’ of fluid and nutrient retention and our cardio capacity would actually go up as our RBC goes up.
- October 30, 2020 at 1:35 pm
- in reply to: Adding Trenbolone Acetate on my bulk?
well according to your title your wanting to BULK. so what can you expect adding Tren to just 250mg of test,, well you may end up losing weight, not gaining it (no I’m not talking about losing muscle, just getting leaner).
imo, Tren is one of the best contest prep drugs there is. but if your looking at a pure Bulk, then there are certain ways you have to go about it.
now to get lean, shredded, dry, hard, muscular and full looking (or Recomping) Tren is the best. But your weight may go down not up.
your not going to put on 30 pounds of tissue with Tren.If you want to try and use tren to bulk, then you need to run it along side elevated estrogen levels (Tren does not aromatize to estrogen at all , but it needs estrogen to help with growth . . . when ranchers bulk up cattle with Tren, its actually the massive amounts of Estrogen they give them at the same time that really helps put on the size).
250mg of test is not going to provide you enough estrogen in the presence of Tren to initiate a lot of growth. If I bulk on Tren, I’m running at least 1000mg of Test, and throwing in some Dbol at like 50mg a day as well.
if you can’t tolerate a whole lot of estrogen, then your way better off using Tren for just cutting or recomps, or using a drug like Deca to bulk up with instead of Tren
note: I’m NOT saying that there are not some guys that respond fairly well to tren and do put on some lean tissue (thats also dependent on what else they are running) . but there are plenty of guys that run low dose test, and just add in Tren and expect to bulk up, but they don’t grow at all, they just get lean and hard