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  • Nosteus
    orals you can see results in one week, they work fast, it would make sense you lose effects just as fast. Why do people even come here?
    no respect for anyone in this place unless they field test it and know what happens, everyone is mental masterbastion.
    Can you take anavar without test yes you can. I have done it, but keep in mind what works for me may not work for you. That being said should you take it without test? If your scared to take needles then roids is not for you. Anavar only at 40 mg a day from my experience jump like workout about 2 months worth of gains. No mass change but way stronger and leaner, so maybe gain muscle lost fat. I stop it about 1 month in as I did not see the point on it alone anymore. I only used it to see if it was real and it results on me. I have lots more and I know the brands real. But I do think var plus test is the sum is greater then it parts. So you may want to add some test for better results. Also shit burn tummy fat, so if you have good BF already watch out.

    Pro, it been a whole week of me off the juice.
    Results sex drive is at full 100% where it was around 80%. No pct as there was no need, no estorgen or need to jump start my test production. Did I lose mass? no as I did not get any in the first place. Did I get less stronger? Here the tricky part, yes but not that much. I am still way stronger then when I was not on.
    My one month cycle was worth it in my books.

    best of luck.

    eq is not junk. In fact I love it a lot. I tried all kinds of different roids, but what I find is that eq take a long time to do anything, what really make eq different in my books is after 2 whole months off my cycle I was still making gains. But at the same time the cycle are long and u need to buy enough eq. Good luck. People are general right when they say diet is king and BF should be inline before you try this, but if you feel you need to do it, dont let anyone stop you, it the only way to learn from experience.
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