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- November 28, 2020 at 9:27 am
- in reply to: Oral with or without food
If I’m taking orals there really isn’t a time I don’t have food in my stomach….- November 10, 2020 at 6:33 pm
- in reply to: Steroids and jaw growth.
Originally Posted by Tyler
So only high doses of HGH change the mandible? What about just normal doses of HGH? Do people on here like HGH of do they only like AAS like Testosterone, Trenbolone etc?I take hgh because I feel its important like a one a day vitamin but I only actually like test and tren ..
- November 10, 2020 at 5:03 pm
- in reply to: Steroids and jaw growth.
Originally Posted by death star
Anabolic steroids do not do this. Human Growth Hormone, however, has the possibility of doing so.I have taken thousands of ius of hgh tho
- November 10, 2020 at 3:35 pm
- in reply to: Steroids and jaw growth.
Originally Posted by Tyler
I’ve been reading conflicting information in regards to AAS and jaw growth. Some people say they noticed visible changed in their jaws, others said they didn’t notice anything, some noticed bigger skulls even lol. I also read that apparently HGH has more of an effect on the jaw than AAS? I would have thought seeing as AAS makes your muscles bigger, and considering there are muscles in the jaw, then surely the jaw muscles would increase too?Are there people on here who have noticed changes in their jaws over time or their head sizes? If you look back through any of your old photos do you notice any changes in your jaw? I just don’t really see any TrueMaxders with small jaws. Most seem to have really masculine, dark_sideseled jaw lines that really stand out.
Everyone always talks about my ridiculas jaw line. I also have to say I’ve had numerous problems associated with my jaw. I have had tmj since starting steroids also
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