What would happen if you shot steriods into your vein

Forums ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS What would happen if you shot steriods into your vein

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    I’m thinking about taking steriods but I was wondering what would happen if you shot steriods into your vein by mistake. Also is finaplex a bulking steriod or cutting and is the same thing as trenbolona.

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    Quote Originally Posted by twinniView
    Old as dirt like me. 2002. WTF

    Lol, I didn’t even realize. I have noticed though that there are lot of older posts and sometimes it’s hard to extract the latest info.

    Ha, I picked up on this thread like flies on crap. I read a few post and then found out it is old. Hey I only got concerned thinking that someone would not know this. First it isn’t easy to main line, and you are to do this IM in big muscle tissue. If you hit a vein, no way you’re going to stay in it. to do that you have to know what you are doing. I’ve done it ALL and yep it could kill you if you loaded up a vein with it. So know this but don’t be concerned. I have never known anyone to do this ( in a vein) accidently. Forget about it.
    from a man that knows. … crazy OLD mike
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