› Forums › ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS › Recovering from steroids 2 years later.
- This topic has 65 replies, 34 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by Northpole138.
- Post
- September 6, 2020 at 1:16 pm
Hello I am 22 years old, from when I was 17 until I was 20 I messed around with steroids . Back then I had an invincible mentality in life. I felt the rules did not apply to me. I didnt think steroids would harm me but now I believe that have have harmed me and have left some long lasting side effects that may effect me for life. During the past 2 years I have been experiencing severe anxiety, erection problems,shrunken testicles……dude they are way smaller than they used to be……. no energy,trouble recovering from not just working out but from work. I feel sick and I have been to the doctor many times in the last few years not admitting to my usage, asking for blood tests they will not give me. I plan on making a doctors appointment to admit my usage and demand getting blood tests done. I researched what tests I need to get done. I am going to try to get them to let me see an endo. It is pretty difficult to get anything from kaiser, thats my health insurance, I pay 100 dollars a month for this crap. Any advice on how to get them to refer me to an endo? I would rather have an endo help me out than doing it myself, as it is difficult taking research chemicals with my anxiety. I have attempted taking toremifine twice in the past year and stopped due to getting really bad anxiety, just last week I tried to take it again and I got a nose bleed and I started freaking out. It would be nice to know what im taking is actually what im supposed to be taking. And to be monitored by a doctor. I dont plan on taking steroids again, unless I need hrt. I just want to be a normal guy, no anxiety no erection problems. I dont drink or smoke or do drugs and I eat a healthy diet. Im 5 11 and I weigh 180. under 10 percent body fat. I exercise everyday. I would like to get my balls back and get get on track. I want to get this taken care of ASAP. If I cant get help from the doctor I plan on helping my self and assuming all the risks involved, any advice?
- Replies
- November 10, 2020 at 2:01 pm
Sorry, couldnt resist and to share the humor.- November 10, 2020 at 3:11 pm
I think it was the matter of not knowing what he was doing, injecting here and there for 2 years.. probably what ever his source gave him… More than his age..Listen.. You want to know what the problem is.. its in your head.. YEP!! you read it right.. This is all stress related.. trust me, I have more experience with this than anything.. YOu might need to take something, just for the placebo for you to start feeling better again..
Nothing is worse than anxiety.. I seriously think its one of the worst mental effects us humans can have.. Id rather be Mentally challenged then to live with depression/anxiety..
Either way.. you’re young.. 22 years old… I got PTSD at age 23.. I live with it everyday.. I’ve been on all sorts of meds.. but my best medicine is working out.. Cardio to be exact… Im 32 now.. I feel better than ever.. But I still have an ambulance at my house once a year.. (Panic attack)
Horrible.. but you learn to live with certain things..
good luck!
- November 10, 2020 at 4:05 pm
Dude…I likely share the same challenge as you. Here’s the thing, you’ve got to turn it into an asset rather than a disability. Believe it or not, with your horomones shut down, even though you may not be physically energized, spiritually you’ll be inspired to explore cause your body is "calm" even disabled to a degree. Also, I learned about cycles in my life… juice was just a miBambcosm of that. I have financial highs, and lows, etc. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s to enjoy every day and plan for life’s winters. I may be on TRT the rest of my life… but 50 more years really ain’t that long.
- November 13, 2020 at 1:04 am
Like I said – serious anxiety can best be dealt with in the short-term by benzodiazepines prescribed by a doctor. This medication will virtually eliminate any anxiety you have while you seek alternate, natural & holistic ways of dealing with the problem like yoga, psychotherapy, meditation, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. Of course, like I said before, these drugs can be dependence-inducing and must be taken as directed by your doctor and only for short periods of time. But they will certainly get your anxiety under control long enough for you to seek help in other ways.TOkidd
- November 13, 2020 at 2:02 am
Originally Posted by RW3333
Why synthroid too brother?…I have been experiencing severe anxiety, erection problems,shrunken testicles……dude they are way smaller than they used to be……. no energy,trouble recovering from not just working out but from work. I feel sick…
These are classic symptoms of hypothyroidism, and Synthroid not only replaces normal output, but coaxes this gland to correct itself, i.e. return to normal functioning.
- November 13, 2020 at 3:13 am
Originally Posted by TOkidd
Like I said – serious anxiety can best be dealt with in the short-term by benzodiazepines prescribed by a doctor. This medication will virtually eliminate any anxiety you have while you seek alternate, natural & holistic ways of dealing with the problem like yoga, psychotherapy, meditation, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. Of course, like I said before, these drugs can be dependence-inducing and must be taken as directed by your doctor and only for short periods of time. But they will certainly get your anxiety under control long enough for you to seek help in other ways.TOkidd
Doctor or not.. You become addicted no matter what… just because A doctor is giving you the medicine doesn’t mean hes going to have some plan to NOT get addicted to a class 2 Narcotic..
But.. there are wonders that have been done with Anti-depressants.. These are NOT a narcotic.. And you can easily get off of them.. But they have many anti-anxiety properties to them..
I was on lexapro for a while.. It did wonders for me..
- November 13, 2020 at 4:37 am
Originally Posted by yungone501;56***11
Sorry, couldnt resist and to share the humor.
hahahahaha thats the funniest shit ive ever read on here. Wow mr ak…..wow
- November 13, 2020 at 5:47 am
Originally Posted by mustang331
Doctor or not.. You become addicted no matter what… just because A doctor is giving you the medicine doesn’t mean hes going to have some plan to NOT get addicted to a class 2 Narcotic..But.. there are wonders that have been done with Anti-depressants.. These are NOT a narcotic.. And you can easily get off of them.. But they have many anti-anxiety properties to them..
I was on lexapro for a while.. It did wonders for me..
FUK anti depressants, they make you look and feel like a zombie, my doc tried putting me on only 10mg of lexapro and i did 2 weeks of it and i said NOOOOO fukin thank you dude. Id rather be depressed than feel like a zombie.
- November 13, 2020 at 7:07 am
Originally Posted by mustang331
Doctor or not.. You become addicted no matter what… just because A doctor is giving you the medicine doesn’t mean hes going to have some plan to NOT get addicted to a class 2 Narcotic..But.. there are wonders that have been done with Anti-depressants.. These are NOT a narcotic.. And you can easily get off of them.. But they have many anti-anxiety properties to them..
I was on lexapro for a while.. It did wonders for me..
Say what? Never heard of SSRI discontinuation syndrome?
And on and on and on and on and on.
You may know more about juice than me, but I doubt you know more about "narcotics" than me Mustang. And wasn’t that what you called benzodiazepines? A narcotic? They’re actually anxiolytics or sedative/hypnotics depending on the kind. The word "narcotic" in pharmacological jargon generally refers to the opiate/opioid class of drugs, though the word has come to mean any drug with psychoactive effects in the common lexicon. And because Lexipro is psychoactive – psychotropic, more specifically, perhaps we could call it a narcotic as well. It changes the way you think and feel and is physically addictive. I’m glad it did wonders for you, but it’s ruined a lot of lives, created a lot of false hope, and made an industry rich on a poorly understood chemical that has caused endless lawsuits from disgruntled patients, including those who are no longer alive because they committed suicide.
Now, in regards to getting addicted to a drug regardless to taking it as prescribed, this is true. If I have stomach cancer and am prescribed hydromorphone and fentanyl for the pain, I will eventually become physically dependent. Does that mean I shouldn’t take the drug? Benzodiazapines are one of the most widely prescribed drugs in North America, and few people ever become addicted because most doctors know to prescribe for only a short period of time. If this person is having a hard time functioning due to their anxiety, a month or two of clonazepam .5mg PRN is not going to get him addicted.
I also think I was clear about this being a stop-gap measure to give him some short-term relief while he finds a more natural way of dealing with his anxiety.
End of Rant
- November 13, 2020 at 8:21 am
Originally Posted by yungone501;56***11
Sorry, couldnt resist and to share the humor.
- November 13, 2020 at 9:50 am
Haha alright enough of that old thread, im pretty funny….. Anyway I agree that its mental, now i just have to figure out how to deal with the mental issues. I will take your guys advice and try bevavorial therapy and lots of cardio. Im going to have to pass on the anti depressants Ive actually took a few of them and I felt like shit. Im starting to think that most things in life are all mental. Mental Strength is something I need to develop also. Thanks guys.- November 13, 2020 at 11:11 am
Haha alright enough of that old thread, im pretty funny….. Anyway I agree that its mental, now i just have to figure out how to deal with the mental issues. I will take your guys advice and try bevavorial therapy and lots of cardio. Im going to have to pass on the anti depressants Ive actually took a few of them and I felt like shit. Im starting to think that most things in life are all mental. Mental Strength is something I need to develop also. Thanks guys.- November 13, 2020 at 12:09 pm
Haha alright enough of that old thread, im pretty funny….. Anyway I agree that its mental, now i just have to figure out how to deal with the mental issues. I will take your guys advice and try bevavorial therapy and lots of cardio. Im going to have to pass on the anti depressants Ive actually took a few of them and I felt like shit. Im starting to think that most things in life are all mental. Mental Strength is something I need to develop also. Thanks guys.- November 13, 2020 at 2:55 pm
Originally Posted by Mr.AK
Hello I am 22 years old, from when I was 17 until I was 20 I messed around with steroids . Back then I had an invincible mentality in life. I felt the rules did not apply to me. I didnt think steroids would harm me but now I believe that have have harmed me and have left some long lasting side effects that may effect me for life. During the past 2 years I have been experiencing severe anxiety, erection problems,shrunken testicles……dude they are way smaller than they used to be……. no energy,trouble recovering from not just working out but from work. I feel sick and I have been to the doctor many times in the last few years not admitting to my usage, asking for blood tests they will not give me. I plan on making a doctors appointment to admit my usage and demand getting blood tests done. I researched what tests I need to get done. I am going to try to get them to let me see an endo. It is pretty difficult to get anything from kaiser, thats my health insurance, I pay 100 dollars a month for this crap. Any advice on how to get them to refer me to an endo? I would rather have an endo help me out than doing it myself, as it is difficult taking research chemicals with my anxiety. I have attempted taking toremifine twice in the past year and stopped due to getting really bad anxiety, just last week I tried to take it again and I got a nose bleed and I started freaking out. It would be nice to know what im taking is actually what im supposed to be taking. And to be monitored by a doctor. I dont plan on taking steroids again, unless I need hrt. I just want to be a normal guy, no anxiety no erection problems. I dont drink or smoke or do drugs and I eat a healthy diet. Im 5 11 and I weigh 180. under 10 percent body fat. I exercise everyday. I would like to get my balls back and get get on track. I want to get this taken care of ASAP. If I cant get help from the doctor I plan on helping my self and assuming all the risks involved, any advice?A doctor is not armed with a magic bag of tools to cure any and all ailments. You need to be willing and forthcoming to tell the truth about your experiences. You’re not going to be thrown in jail. A doctor cannot help you if they don’t know where to start and they certainly won’t recommend you to an endocrinologist if no reason to is given. Be a big boy, let them know the details, and you can one day once again lovingly cup your big balls in your hand.
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