Injection Pain on Cyp


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    So I’m on my 1st inj cycle, 500/wk Test Cyp. I inj twice weekly (250/1cc, on Sun/Wed) with 25g 1" 3cc needles.

    I have struggled with pain for days after the inj. I was rotating quads and feeling the pain in my muscle and it felt like i got smacked in the quad with a bat after a hard leg day, I was limping around. I began heating my cyp in hot water and it helped some, but not much. Idk what I did, but one day I got it all right and had ZERO pain, I felt amazing and was super stoked! Then the next time, boom, soreness was back again. I went to the glutes and it was okay, but I managed to really F myself up on the 2nd glute try. Felt fine with normal soreness the day after,but the following day I began to develop a terrible soreness in the top of my butt, near my tailbone. It was so bad I was laying on my stomach with a heat pad on my butt. Could barely get up and back down. Not sure if I tagged a nerve or if the suspension just traveled up there,but it went away in 5 days. So long story,but Im back to quads with soreness again. It’s not pain from the prick, it’s muscular. I’ve tried rubbing, doing legs before or after, not moving much at all before or after…

    So I guess my question is, do you think it’s the concentration of my Cyp, or not. Would cutting it with GSO help? Is it just the virgin tissue? Because, like I said, I managed to get zero soreness/pain one time.

    Also,I’m new to AAS, but I’m not an idiot. I am also friends with a veteran forum member here. Thanks for the input guys and sorry for the long noob post.

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    Quote Originally Posted by panntasticView
    I used to fall for this all the time when doing quads and glutes using 25 gauge 1" then I switched up to 23g 1 1/4" and all was sweet

    Just a though op

    So short inj time or fast? And I could try 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 needles too. 23 or 25g on quads.

    Also, anyone know how long I need to be on here before my Avatar pic shows up?

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