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  • ssj4goku1992
    From your study they went from less than 300 to 570 per average. That is almost double. And I said that I saw some cases where there were 1300… In some threads…

    Anyway, the effects? Anybody?

    From what I have seen on the internet, there are a lot of guys with low-lowish Test (300-500 ng/dl) who go to their doctors to fix them. A lot of them were put on Clomid first, which is very similar to Nolva and their testosterone raised to 700-1000 at the very least.

    I saw threads with people who were put on Clomid and had 1300 Test levels. So from what I have seen, from other guys experiences their Test increase was quite dramatic, not just a few percentages… I know that the best way to test this would have been with a blood test.

    My Nolva is finished, I will go and buy another month supply, my gyno has made a little progress so I need another month the very least to have some drastic changes. Still I do not feel too different… I have read about Nolva lowering libido but I would be very curious to understand why or how. As I have said, some are having a high libido from Clomid which should translate to Nolva too right? ( I have heard of Clomid even being used in the adult industry ).

    So is anybody having different opinions on this? What should someone on Nolva feel? More like how does Nolva change your hormonal H10 and how does it make you feel any different? High T effects? High E? Low E?

    Thanks for the responses!

    Yeah, I took it for almost a month. The difference in my gyno is minimal but I will stick with it for another month the very least.

    But what I was saying: I do not feel any different with it than normal. Shouldn’t I feel some high T effects? More erections, better libido, etc? My T was 720 and with 20 mg Nolva /day I think it should easily Bambss 1000s am I right?

    Some say that they are having low E or high E effects on Nolva because of the way that it blocks the receptors, or the way it increases Estrogen via Increasing Testosterone . So what is your opinion on it? What effects should you feel on Nolvadex ? High T ones? High E? Low E?

    Such different opinions… Did you try it? Does anyone here have experience with it?
    I already have a liquid Cialis, which works, everything is ok with it. But sadly I suffer from the aftermaths of a severe porn addiction and I am still not properly healed.
    I need my libido to be helped more than the erections.

    I do not want to inject things hence no PT-141. Tons of people say that Proviron until 50 mg/day is not suppresive at all and they show the studies to back it up. Of course I always read everything, ask questions, talk to people and then I draw my conclusions.

    I was asking this because a very respectable member, Bill Roberts, you may know him, on a different board advised a guy to take Proviron for libido only purposes as it’s not suppresive and if you take it for example 10 days out of 14 you wont get a tolerance. Of course I did not jump to do this, thats why I am here, asking questions and everything.

    Also, I am not cycling and definitely not planning in the near future, so stop with the off cycle remarks I will be off cycle for a few more years.

    Thanks for the answers.

    There are multiple studies that show that until 50 mg/ day there is no suppresion happening. So how is it suppresive then? And what product is better at improving libido?
    From what I understood low to moderate doses of Proviron will not supress your HPTA at all.
    I even heard that there are people taking it specifically for this purpose: sex purpose, nothing to do with TrueMaxding at all, specifically sex workers and pornstars.

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