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- November 3, 2020 at 4:56 pm
- in reply to: Test E, should I increase my dose?
For cutting, I use a lot less test than you do. I like getting the most out of the anavar when I run it because I love it and it’s expensive. I prefer to use doses lore enough that an AI shouldn’t be needed.- October 30, 2020 at 12:15 pm
- in reply to: Test Enth and winstrol cycle and pct
Originally Posted by woodsy95
Hi guys just wanted to drop down what i am thinking of doing and weather someone with a little more knowledge could let me know what they think..
week 1-6 = 500 mg of test enth
week 6-12 = 750 mg of test enth
week 4-14 = 50 mg winstrol each day. split 25 am/pm
week 12-14 Hcg 250iu x2 a week
clomid after the cycle for 5 weeks. 1st week 100 mg a day. week 2-5 50 mg each day
nolva after the cycle for 5 weeks. 1st week 40 mg a day. weeks 2-5 20 mg each does that sound for my first cycle? then what would you advise for my next cycle after my pct? and advise would be very much so appreciated
NO! In fact, this layout is so bad that I was beginning to think you were just pulling our leg. Do not do any of this. First thing is first. What are your stats?
Now I’m going to get into some of the MAJOR goofs. I can tell that you haven’t read the stickies or done much research at all. There is no point at all to taper your testosterone dose. That is very old school thinking, and its a pointless thing that only makes what should be a simple cycle more confusing. Pick the dose you want to run and run it till the end.
Winstrol is highly liver toxic. While that FACT is often over exaggerated, it is still a fact and you have to use it wisely. Using a know liver support is a must. NAC is cheap and easy to find, and its my favorite. Milk thistle is nothing compared to it. You have that you plan to run winstrol for 10 weeks! Where did you come up with that? Most everyone sticks to 6 weeks since after that point there is typically diminishing returns. Some go 8 weeks, but I font know anyone that does. I’ve only heard of some doing so. After 6 weeks, progress slows to the point that the risk far outweighs the reward. Don’t do it.
Next on the list is your use of hcg for 2 odd ball weeks, and it would serve no purpose doing it at that stage. Hcg is used to keep testicular function DURING cycle. This will also keep your testicles full and prevent shrinking in most cases. Run it throughout the cycle until the start of pct. Do not use it during pct.
I’m not seeing anything about using an AI. Did you forget to post it, or did you not know of it? Its a very important compound when using high doses of testosterone, or any steroid that can raise your estrogen levels. High estrogen levels in men are dangerous! Even deadly. Armidex is a common AI, but there are others. Research them!
Your pct looks ok, but extending it one more week wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Lastly. This sounds terrible for your FIRST CYCLE! You have to do your homework with this. It’s obvious that you haven’t, and its hard for me to support a man’s decision in going on blast when he’s just throwing a weird cycle together. None of it makes sense and I hope that what I’ve said will turn you to the stickied threads up top. Look them over. You don’t need winstrol on your first cycle. That don’t even make sense. Test is best. Spend a couple of hours reading, then propose a whole new cycle to critique. Streamline it and keep it simple. Don’t take manipulating your hormones lightly. This is a serious commitment from you and a bigger decision than you’re taking it as.
- October 30, 2020 at 11:28 am
- in reply to: Test and tren
Originally Posted by tino1savage
Hey Guy I am about to start buying anabolic pills I worked out all my life but just cannot seem to bulk up.What would you recommend for me to try?
Fishing. Don’t reply and let the mods handle this angler.
- October 30, 2020 at 11:07 am
- in reply to: Pharma Anavar how good is it?
Mg for mg its going to be identical to any legit ugl. I can’t tell if you’re spamming the sources or being straight. Anyways, anavar is anavar. If you needed 80mgs to get phenomenal results the first time, I’d recommend the same dose this time, pharma or not. The only advantage of pharmaceutical grade is that you know exactly what you’re getting and the exact dose.- October 30, 2020 at 8:17 am
- in reply to: Masteron doses
Masteron is awesome. Keep that prostate in check at your age. I find 600mgs a week is good for inexperienced and experienced alike. I’ve used it over 1000mgs weekly and prefer it in the 600 range.- October 30, 2020 at 7:28 am
- in reply to: Test and tren
I’m not going to ask stats and all of that. Knowing what ester you plan is important though. Tren ace or enanthate ? In my opinion, tren e is good up to 12 weeks. Tren ace I wouldn’t go over 8. I usually run tren for 6 weeks and use ace. For your first time using it, I would highly recommend the ace. Tren is often times over exaggerated in terms of side effects, but don’t take the warnings lightly. I know many men who can’t handle the sides. If you’re using enanthate and start to experience bad sides, you’re going to be stuck with those side effects for a couple of weeks of you decide to drop it. If you use ace and drop it, you’ll be cleared of the sides in a couple of days. It’s more of a first timer safety precaution. The sides from tren are no joke. A lot of people do over exaggerate them, but they can be really bad. Just my take and advice. As far as dose, 200-350mgs is plenty! Trust me on this one. I’ve ran it at doses that I’m ashamed to admit, and I’ve ran it as low as 37.5mgs every other day. I can tell you from years of experience that more is not always better. 350mgs will yield incredible results. Much more than that can have more risk to reward than its worth. Stick to 200-350mgs weekly. And lastly…..I always run my test at a testosterone replacement dose with tren. I don’t want any performance enhancing from the test. I let the tren be the work horse of my cycle. I don’t want the test fighting the tren for my androgen receptors. I think that’s a big reason for some of the tren sides, but I could be wrong.- October 30, 2020 at 5:00 am
- in reply to: Test / Tren Cycle
Looks good to me and researched. Why not run the tren the same duration as the test though?