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- November 10, 2020 at 1:15 pm
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Originally Posted by basejack
Hcg with your test shot if you like.A’dex run EOD.
personally I think you are making a huge mistake cycling at your age. You have a looooooong life ahead of you I don’t know why you want to risk you future health for short term gratification but there you are.
and I’ve seen your pic, you truly are deluding yourself with your bodyfat estimate and readiness to cycle, even if you were older. I really think you should stop and run a full pct.
What do you think my body fat estimate is? I’ve been told 17-18%
I’m 207 Pounds/14.8st/93kg
- November 10, 2020 at 10:51 am
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Originally Posted by basejack
40/20/20/20 will likely be ok. Just get some more. You should never skimp your pct. Clomid at 75/50/50/50 is advisable to start.Will do boss.
3rd week coming up. I’ve noticed ball shrinkage. HCG Time. I inject on a Sunday 1ml and 0.5 on a Wednesday.
I’m going to take 500iu every week.
What’s the best day to inject the hcg?
Also, I’ve dropped the Arimidex dose to 0.25mg e3d. I was taking 0.5mg e3d but it’s making me shit and piss like a race horse.
Did have a weird sensation in my nipple yesterday, just put it down to randomness though, completely gone now. Will keep an eye on it obviously.
Noticed better libido, but not much better than natural.
Also, my fat levels have dropped, you can start to see my abs outside, but decline chest fat is still there? It’s not gyno, it’s just soft fat, how do I combat this?
- November 10, 2020 at 8:35 am
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Originally Posted by User049
I hate high clomid is messes with me
for me it’s
clomid 75/50/25/25
nolva 40/40/20/20You must taper your dosages down.
Issue is that I’ve only got enough Nolvadex for 20/20/20/20. Will this be enough? I’ve a crap load of Clomid though.
- November 10, 2020 at 5:55 am
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Originally Posted by User049
Don’t change around your test dosage.
pick a amount 500mg or what have you and keep it the same. Jumping around causes hormone and blood level spikes you don’t need to deal with.
not sure what you by having 24 clomid and 30 nolva? How many mg’s per pill24 Clomid pills, 50mg each.
30 Nolva, 20mg each.Am I right in thinking
• Clomid: 100/100/50/25 -38.5
• Nolvadex : 20/20/20/20 -28Means the weeks and how much you should be taking each day, yes?
100 every day for week 1, 100 every day for week 2, 50 every day for week 3 and 25 every day for week 4. Correct?
- November 10, 2020 at 3:25 am
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Originally Posted by User049
You are making this way to hard.
300mg of clomid I am getting emotional just thinking of a dose that high.
Ps you kinda look like justin bieberI work in a factory and everyone calls me Justin. Haha! Think it’s the hairstyle.
I’m short Clomid and I’m stuck where to get it from at the moment. I’ve got 24 but I know it’s not enough. I have 30 Nolva too.
• Clomid: 100/100/50/25 -38.5
• Nolvadex : 20/20/20/20 -28
This is going to be my PCT, but I’ve currently only 24 Clomiphene pills at the moment. I’ve 9 weeks to source some anyway but I’m finding the delivery prices online ridiculous.- November 10, 2020 at 1:08 am
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
I’ve taken everyone reply in to account and decided to follow up regardless. I am currently in my second week of Test 400. The original time allowance was 6-8 weeks but I have decided on 10 weeks as the stuff doesn’t really kick in until 3-4 week anyway. I’ve already felt an increase in libido which is very nice.Regarding my age, I’m turning 21 in about a month and have already started balding which I couldn’t care less about. Physical appearance beats head hair by a mile. As I’m in South Wales, the steroid community is rife here and I’ve received some crap advice which I’ve completely ignored and also some very good advice.
My cycle:
Week 1
Testosterone :
•- November 5, 2020 at 8:29 am
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Originally Posted by tice1212
Come on bro. U hit a wall at the age of 19?! Let me ask u something. But u can only pick one answer.would u rather have your dick working or a little bit more muscle mass? If you’re training the right way and eating the right way and you’re plateau is only in your headI’m 21 in a month. I’ve no idea why everyone keeps referring to me being 19…?
- November 5, 2020 at 6:24 am
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Originally Posted by beaver
Honestly. I’d give yourself a few more years naturally. Possibly take a better look at your diet, I’d strive for 200g protein at the least. You can adark_sideeve much more naturally before resulting to compounds. What’s your training look like? I’m sure with some improvement in training and diet you will see quite impressive results without chemicals.I’ve not increased any in muscle mass in 6 months. Total wall. I’ve tried many different training regimes and diets. Starved myself through to eating pure and proper foods. No difference at all. No spots on my face, back or chest. Hormones are totally H10d. It’s lead me to believe that I’ve just hit my brick wall. I’ve always been a skinny guy who could never put on weight and it was SERIOUSLY difficult to put on that much from Day 1. I know myself very well. I think it’s time personally.
- October 30, 2020 at 4:40 pm
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Picture incoming.16%
2 Years experience
Started at 9st, bulked to 15st in a year and a half.
Cut to 14st, could do with a little more cutting but I’ve got the diet nailed perfectly and it’s dropping off slowly and I’ve not lost MUCH muscle. Maybe a little.
I am a natural ectomorph, big time. My body only wants to be skinny.
Protein intake 150g-200g daily not including foods.Apologies for the picture not being all that good. There is a little ‘softness’ to me due to the bodyfat, but you can see the shape and muscle. Not a lot left over from my bulk, just a couple more pounds, around 4-5 I can lose fat wise.
I’ve always thought I’ve had low testosterone due to my natural size. Even though I’ve put on that much weight, I still look like a rake.
- October 30, 2020 at 2:12 pm
- in reply to: Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner)
Originally Posted by twinni
Ok so the cycle looks pretty good although I belive that if your going to do it, do it. 6 weeks is short and best is 10-12.
That said at 19 you need to evaluate this and understand the long term effects of shutting down and damaging permanently your HPTA.Post a recent pic to show your base and what you are working with.
Again 19 is way to youngI’m 21 this December. There is no more growing to be done. If I only do a 6 week cycle, I’ve got more chance of coming out on the green grass yeah? It’s just a taster at the moment of what I can adark_sideeve.