› Forums › ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS › women and anavar
- This topic has 41 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by Gef.
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- August 12, 2018 at 3:41 am
Im searching for a thread that was made here talking not to long ago about doses and such for women and anavar .A link would be great lol. I cant find it yet. My cousins wife wants to run a cycle soon so i want to be spot on correct. Im pretty sure im right but want the powder cycle length and dose for reinsurance.
- Replies
- November 3, 2020 at 3:57 pm
Originally Posted by Traore
Well I think it depends on what type of physique the woman is looking for….From what I have seen and heard their expectations usually seem to be a lot different then what they really want….And I think for the most part get confused what certain compounds do and at what dose…It’s completely different for instance for a women who wants to compete or a women who just wants to look a little bit stronger and leaner…
I personally only give 5mg’s a week…And bump up 5 mg’s a week until the sides to benefit ratio are at it’s peak….I wouldn’t want to just start someone off at 20 mg’s and hope they can handle the sides….
Although, I am not a woman and they always confuse me and what they are looking for so I always take the safe side…You definitely wouldn’t want to upset them in one of their var mood swings… Ha ha jk
I agree 100%
- November 3, 2020 at 5:21 pm
Originally Posted by brumbar
That’s the var log I’ve been working on… I’m going to be doing pct soon. Idk if this is something close to what you’re looking for.
Yes, i started reading it last night. Thank you.
- November 3, 2020 at 6:25 pm
Originally Posted by brumbar
That’s the var log I’ve been working on… I’m going to be doing pct soon. Idk if this is something close to what you’re looking for.
You shouldnt need to PCT, unless there is a "woman" secret that I dont know about. But general consensus is that since women dont have testicles, they have no reason for PCT.
- November 5, 2020 at 12:58 am
Yeah but I researched women who cycled and what their thoughts were on pct for a female… I’m going to go through my thread and I’ll post it on here… For you- November 5, 2020 at 2:31 am
After women come off steroids … They face depression and estrogen rebound… But I’ll show you the pct for females hold on a sec and I’ll get. It- November 5, 2020 at 4:03 am
" Post Cycle Therapy For WOMEN
ok… this subject has been up for debate for as long as i can remember… There are not many studies nor research as with aas and PCT for men…So, i figured it was about time to make a post about women’s PCT options to help out women when coming off a cycle and to help men help women since we are VERY different!!!
Post Cycle Therapy i am sure you have heard time and time again… For men, this usually includes an ancillary to re-stimulate natural test production etc. With women, PCT is VERY VERY different.
I know it has been the general assumption that women do not need PCT, however, it has come to my attention (and from years of experience) that we actually DO in fact need PCT…Post Cycle Therapy for women obviously does NOT include a test stimulant, but rather other factors…
Tapers: Everyone wants to know about tapering… Well, that really depends on the aas you are using… The milder the aas, the less the taper. For example, anavar does not call for a taper, however many women have seen less side effects post cycle with a little post cycle taper. This may be 1 week after you complete your cycle where you taper down. Considering the average dosage is 10mgs, a taper would be: (5, 5, 5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5)
In my own personal experience with anavar, a taper for me really isn’t necessary… so just stopping is fine. HOWEVER, i do apply Post Cycle Therapy!
I feel PCT should be considered due to these reasons:
Depression: MANY women report depression post cycle. I personally got it really really badly last nov, so now the last week of my cycle, i start cycling in 5HTP. You can also use St. Johns wart or valerian root etc…
Estrogen Rebound: Granted anavar is a mild androgenic , it is still an androgen. Some women experience a slight estrogen rebound. I personally have ALSO experienced this…
One of the ways i counteract it is to take "Twinlabs Male Fuel". This actually aids allowing my test levels to lower but not drop, thus preventing an estrogen rebound. When a hormone drops suddenly another one always tends to increase to counteract, even though it may not be beneficial to us…
Another way is to use a very very mild dosage of an estrogen suppressor (ie. nolvadex ) to allow the estrogen to slowly level out as the test levels fall post cycle. (As our test levels begin to return to normal and decrease, estrogen will increase post cycle, due to the fact that an aas does suppress estrogen levels a bit, so a suppressor will control the speed at which it increases- thus preventing a possible estrogen rebound!)
Appetite: Most AAS tend to increase your appetite. This has a bit to do with an accelerated metabolism (increased muscle and protein synthesis), nevertheless, aas can increase appetite. With that said, I think a strict diet should follow your cycle.
My reasoning for this is that fact that since you have an increased appetite from using an aas, now that that is over, you will continue to experience an increased appetite, but with no aas anymore. Basically saying that now that you are OFF, you will not be using all the calories/fuel as efficiently as when you were ON. So if you splurge like crazy, you WILL notice a rebound in weight and or fat. Get it
I HIGHLY recommend a clean diet for about 2 weeks POST cycle!!Those are the 3 main factors i can think of that may cause havoc with a woman’s mental and physical well being post cycle… They are ALL factors i have personally dealt with, struggled with and learned to control!
As a female who is using aas, PLEASE know ALL the facts!!! Be over-prepared! There is nothing worse then a women who loves her results from weeks of suffering, training, dieting, etc… only to waste all her hard work and experience negative side effects post cycle… Estrogen rebound is a bitch. Weight/fat rebound is a bitch. Depression, we won’t even go there lol…
So please ladies… LISTEN to your body. Get to really know what works for YOUR body! You may never need post cycle therapy, but you may… so good"
- November 5, 2020 at 5:10 am
As someone else said it really depends on the goals of the person and what they’re trying to do. I’ve found most of my female figure competitors have always done very well with as little as 10mg of Anavar a day. A lot of them use HGH as well and generally a fair amount of Clen and possibly T3 but with or without a mere 10mg usually works well. If more is needed, well sure, more is needed. I’ve had several girls have good success with low dose Anavar and Primo stacks. EQ can be a really good one too. Now I’ll admit, I haven’t had a lot of female TrueMaxding clients over the years, primarily figure and some bikini.I also agree, low dose Nolvadex use at the end can be very beneficial.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:27 am
I don’t think higher dose is only for those who want to compete. Not really. Almost any woman can adark_sideeve her goals on anavar primo and HGH just those three the difference is in dose and Tims out I . Most can with anavar only. Now please tell me, do I look like a competitive TrueMaxder?
Granted not lean here but I never get super lean. Don’t compete dont have to.Yes AAS is pretty magical but no dose of var is going to blow a woman up.
My personal approach is take it up to a high dose so you can really experience what it is like ans what it is doing to/for you. Then if you want to drop it you can. Most girls drop of because of acne or because they gain weight. Once their mind adjusts that they are getting smaller but weight more they up if again. I have so many example pics from my girls none of them look anything but more feminine and beaufil after ‘high’ dose AAS.
On 10mg per say I would be wondering the entire cycle if anything was happening yet! I think we should get that O****YEAH! Feeling from AAS that you guys get. At least the first time!
I basically cruise on 30mg anavar ED year round. I have magic HDL what can I say. For cycle acne I take anavar other than that the only sides I didn’t want was on a three compound stack var primo provi I won’t do that again.
20mgED MINIMUM and I like a girl to go right up to 40 or 50 feel it experience it and then drop dose if she wants.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:49 am
I understand what you’re saying. I do, however, alway wonder how good the quality people’s Anavar is. I really feel most women can see some great progress on as little as 10mg/ed if the product is top notch…which can be hard to find at times and often expensive. And I agree, some can get away with more. I know women who take a lot more than 20mg/ed and some of them get away with it just fine. Others not as much….like so many things it just depends on the person.BTW, great pics!
- November 5, 2020 at 10:17 am
Originally Posted by t-dogg
Im very interested. Actually you can pm me with it please.Twist. I am going to subs as well. I will be running a cycle later this year!
- November 5, 2020 at 11:31 am
hmmm my wife loves anavar but stays more with the 10mg max dose… I’m going o get her to try at least a 20mg, the 10mg works well for her, strength gains and no sides, but I’ll see if she’s game for that.. should be interesting though…- November 5, 2020 at 1:02 pm
Honestly though there’s so many variables involved to have any difinatative statement. I personally wouldn’t run var at 30mg I’m on 12.5 mg and have had amazing results, quality of the compound, diet, work out regimine and how you’re body responds to the compound and you’re natural hormone levels are all things to consider. I have had amazing results on that dosage I don’t see a need to increase my risk benefit ratio. As a woman the more aas the more youre placing yourself at risk for infertility and a lot of other negative sides. I want results but I believe aas is a aid or a tool to adark_sideeve a goal. I would not be taking a higher dosage or expose myself to unnecessary risk and that’s what happens every time you up the dosage.- November 5, 2020 at 2:13 pm
You’re right, there are so many variables it really does depend on the person and their goals. Some women have the belief that lifting heavy will make them huge but are willing to take aas to ‘tone’. Some take anavar and don’t follow a proper training program, they just do light circuit training and cardio hoping for a little fat loss. IMO there is no point in taking aas for this goal, work on your diet and routine.Then you have woman who want to compete, gain lbm, increase strength etc. Look at the pics above (props to you Valkyrie, you look incredible! ), it is obvious that this poster weight trains and follows a proper diet. No amount of ass is going to make a gal look like that… that is hard work and dedication! I don’t think she was suggesting that ladies jump into taking 20mg ED as a starting point, I think the suggestion was to work your way up to at least that dosage.
Another thing to consider is that anavar seems to be a starting steroid for women. Some women are happy with their results and some jump to other steroids (primo, winny… Electra, I think you are considering masteron ?). I think female needs to look at their goals, factor in that they may want to cycle again, and then consider sides. If you are not comfortable with the thought of that than maybe aas isn’t for you.
I’m happy that we have a place to talk freely about this, and that there are other females here to offer their experience
- November 5, 2020 at 3:33 pm
Originally Posted by twitz
You’re right, there are so many variables it really does depend on the person and their goals. Some women have the belief that lifting heavy will make them huge but are willing to take aas to ‘tone’. Some take anavar and don’t follow a proper training program, they just do light circuit training and cardio hoping for a little fat loss. IMO there is no point in taking aas for this goal, work on your diet and routine.Then you have woman who want to compete, gain lbm, increase strength etc. Look at the pics above (props to you Valkyrie, you look incredible! ), it is obvious that this poster weight trains and follows a proper diet. No amount of ass is going to make a gal look like that… that is hard work and dedication! I don’t think she was suggesting that ladies jump into taking 20mg ED as a starting point, I think the suggestion was to work your way up to at least that dosage.
Another thing to consider is that anavar seems to be a starting steroid for women. Some women are happy with their results and some jump to other steroids (primo, winny… Electra, I think you are considering masteron ?). I think female needs to look at their goals, factor in that they may want to cycle again, and then consider sides. If you are not comfortable with the thought of that than maybe aas isn’t for you.
I’m happy that we have a place to talk freely about this, and that there are other females here to offer their experience
Exactly everyone has different goals. I am competing in a few months in bikini even though I need muscle def I don’t need to be overly developed, the dosage I’m on is doing exactly what I have in mind. As for mast is something I’m considering as contest prep for a harder look before the show. I just don’t think any two people are the same. Like I said there’s way to many variables. I would start low and work your way up to your tolerance level as for me, I’m content where I am.
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