Steroids @ 20 yrs old? Cycle of testosterone. Thoughts?

Forums ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Steroids @ 20 yrs old? Cycle of testosterone. Thoughts?

  • This topic has 31 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Nifos.
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    I’m thinking of doing a cycle of test when I turn 20 this year… I know this is kind of young, but I have VERY big dreams when it comes to bodybuilding. The level I want to compete at requires steroids to be taken… By my 20th I would have been lifting for almost 2 years. I eat the same macro’s every day and am currently cutting to 10% BF… when I do the cycle of test I plan to be bulking… Thoughts on this?

    Also, is it better to do either hypertrophy or strength training when taking test? Currently I’m doing SS 3×5 and making some nice progress despite the fact I’m cutting.

    Thanks in advance guys?

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79View
    And girls are generally about 10 years smarter than guys…………..

    Bear is that you in you AVI? If so your a ****ing beast bro. You’re about the size of a damn bear.

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