Clen, preworkout

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    Havent really seen answers because maybe its just a dumb question.
    But if I take my clen early, would it be ok to take a preworkout later?( staying away from 1-3d)

    If that isint recommended, during the 2 weeks off of clen would it be ok to use pre workouts during those days?

    Also around how many mcg should i expect the shakes and other sides( pretty stim tolerant)

    and one final question is the potassium a must? and how much, i got taurine and plenty of fish oils with high EPH+DHA.

    Thanks for any info.

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  • Replies
    Quote Originally Posted by JUDGE DREDD
    Your large means is 120mg -140mg or more than that ?

    Its mcg buddy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Born77View
    Its mcg buddy!!

    Oh my bad. Hahahah. Lol

    I had some pretty great success with my first bottle of liquid Clen . I didn’t do the two on two off before taking two weeks off because I used Benadryl which at the time I thought would keep my receptors fresh and the Clen working. This was the better part of a year ago and i learned that Benadryl actually doesn’t help with Clen.. But regardless of this my results were still amazing. I went from 225lbs to mid 180’s in the time span of two months! Using only Clen at 100mg/day and a proper diet and running my ass off in the treadmill everyday.

    Shortly after ending my Clen cycle I ran my first tren ace and prop cycle and I’m now at 172lbs and in the best shape I’ve ever been in. Anyways enough ranting about me, I’ve heard that ketotifen is used along side Clen to keep receptors fresh if you don’t want to take the time off? Has anyone tried this with noticeable success? Also.. is it eye itch relief?? lol. I plan on running Clen with T3 next and I want to run Clen the whole time I’m running T3.

    Ketotifen is amazing when running clen or albuterol. It allows you to run without a break and keep dosages reasonable. Im not big on these pre set clen cycles where after day 6 you are at 100mcg blahb lahblah. If you respnd well to say 60 or 80 mcg..keep it at 60 or 80 mcg.
    Anyway back to ketotifen. 1mg/day – at night right beofre bed. It will knock you out sleep wise and keep clen or albut effective. Also yeah it prob help with itchy watery eyes as well. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by paul74View
    So what dose should I take if intermittently taking for pre-workout only

    Ok how do I ask this a different way. If I had some speed I would use that. but I’m a drug addict. Really I wouldn’t use speed it would kill me.
    So I re-post the question. I only need a boost, pre-workout boost, energy for my workouts. I am tired all the time. I have investigated everything in RE: BW.
    So PLEASE So what dose should I take if intermittently taking for pre-workout only …paul74

    Hello 30-40-50-60 mcg …?

    Quote Originally Posted by Werewolf998View
    Im not big on these pre set clen cycles where after day 6 you are at 100mcg blahb lahblah. If you respnd well to say 60 or 80 mcg..keep it at 60 or 80 mcg.


    The key is to "listen to your body"

    I can start at 60mcg but can’t ever go above 120mcg

    Quote Originally Posted by BilmenView

    The key is to "listen to your body"

    I can start at 60mcg but can’t ever go above 120mcg

    Ok, that is my answer. Where to start. The rest goes for everything. Thanks….paul74

    I have taken Pre workout with no problem while on clen but I also use clen at way way lower dosages then anyone this board that I have seen so far..
    20mcg-40mcg daily is all I have ever used or advised and then taking a pre-workout 3-4 hours after last dose of clen for the day has always worked fine for me.
    But at such a low dose of clen I have never gotten shakes or jitters for more then 10-20min at a time and have a pretty high tolerance to stimulants. good luck with the clen and like everyone else has said. listen to your body, some people do great with low dose like me and other do horrible when they go too high too fast.

    Hey I just got back from the gym I used 60 mcg at about 1:30 and I started my workout at 2:20. It worked good. I just felt good, with normal energy. I’ve been dragging and could hardly get to my workouts. Today was much, much better. So It worked at 60mcg and I think I could use 80mcg. I’ll get back on this tomorrow. Thanks guys. …paul74
    So may I know what Large dose have anti catabolic effect ? 80mcg and above?
    I usually run clen 3x a day at 60mcg

    I have major sides at 60 and above. Heart Palps, severe shakes and anxiety. I keep it at 20 to 40mcgs wth great results.
    Quote Originally Posted by Werewolf998View
    Ketotifen is amazing when running clen or albuterol. It allows you to run without a break and keep dosages reasonable. Im not big on these pre set clen cycles where after day 6 you are at 100mcg blahb lahblah. If you respnd well to say 60 or 80 mcg..keep it at 60 or 80 mcg.
    Anyway back to ketotifen. 1mg/day – at night right beofre bed. It will knock you out sleep wise and keep clen or albut effective. Also yeah it prob help with itchy watery eyes as well. lol

    Thanks for the response and yeah I don’t like going to even 100mg/day, I had amazing results at 80 for a long time without the use of keto too but I will definitely get some now!

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