› Forums › ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS › Bodenone as a stand alone and first cycle for beginner.
- This topic has 24 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by Metalject.
- Post
- October 30, 2020 at 3:51 am
5’7 212 pounds. 38 years old. Goal 175 to 185 all muscle. I have a small bone structure. Have to look for baseball cap in teen department lol. Wrists are small and one of my weak points so I have to wear wraps and be careful with lifting to heavy to soon. I am a very stocky guy. I am told all the time I have huge shoulders and arms and traps. My genes are pretty good. I gain muscle pretty easy and lose weight pretty easy also. 9 years of video games and I’ve gotten unhealthy. Thanks to the construction I work I’ve kept a good base and just added on a good layer of fat. I’ve worked out for 7 years and done some mma. I’ve thought about doing anabolics probably my whole life and have researched them off and on for the past 10 years or more.
So the questions begin. I really like the idea of equipoise . The slow, steady, quality gains with some of the least amount of side affects. I cant seem to get that much information on it as far as what estrogen inhibitors I should take with it if any since eq barely affects that and what should I take for post. I am to understand that 600mg is a good dose per week. Should I split that up into 4 shots a week 5 etc.? At my age I am also thinking about taking HGH. Might stack it when I do a second cycle of boldenone .
So I have my source. I have worked with the guy that gave me the source for two years and his brother is my superintendent. They are some well respected people in our line of work. Pipefitters boilermakers etc. So I get to the source and they have 7 different kinds of boldenone. They also have pre packaged cycles from beginner to advanced which I thought was nice but I am looking for a cycle with eq being the main focus. How do I know which is the right boldenone to get. Their site says that if you contact them they will answer you within 5 mins to 12 hours max. That turns out to be a lie. Since I am a beginner I will probably be asking a lot of dumb questions. Thank you for your patience.
- Replies
- November 10, 2020 at 2:29 am
eq is not junk. In fact I love it a lot. I tried all kinds of different roids, but what I find is that eq take a long time to do anything, what really make eq different in my books is after 2 whole months off my cycle I was still making gains. But at the same time the cycle are long and u need to buy enough eq. Good luck. People are general right when they say diet is king and BF should be inline before you try this, but if you feel you need to do it, dont let anyone stop you, it the only way to learn from experience.- November 10, 2020 at 3:57 am
Originally Posted by Rot
5’7 212 pounds. 38 years old. Goal 175 to 185 all muscle. I have a small bone structure. Have to look for baseball cap in teen department lol. Wrists are small and one of my weak points so I have to wear wraps and be careful with lifting to heavy to soon. I am a very stocky guy. I am told all the time I have huge shoulders and arms and traps. My genes are pretty good. I gain muscle pretty easy and lose weight pretty easy also. 9 years of video games and I’ve gotten unhealthy. Thanks to the construction I work I’ve kept a good base and just added on a good layer of fat. I’ve worked out for 7 years and done some mma. I’ve thought about doing anabolics probably my whole life and have researched them off and on for the past 10 years or more.
So the questions begin. I really like the idea of equipoise . The slow, steady, quality gains with some of the least amount of side affects. I cant seem to get that much information on it as far as what estrogen inhibitors I should take with it if any since eq barely affects that and what should I take for post. I am to understand that 600mg is a good dose per week. Should I split that up into 4 shots a week 5 etc.? At my age I am also thinking about taking HGH. Might stack it when I do a second cycle of boldenone .
So I have my source. I have worked with the guy that gave me the source for two years and his brother is my superintendent. They are some well respected people in our line of work. Pipefitters boilermakers etc. So I get to the source and they have 7 different kinds of boldenone. They also have pre packaged cycles from beginner to advanced which I thought was nice but I am looking for a cycle with eq being the main St07. How do I know which is the right boldenone to get. Their site says that if you contact them they will answer you within 5 mins to 12 hours max. That turns out to be a lie. Since I am a beginner I will probably be asking a lot of dumb questions. Thank you for your patience.I am running eq, with bit of aromasin . I have done low dose the first week at 175mg and I have gotten better workout definitely.
Better motivation and pumps that stay. I had a pretty intense chest workout at night and I never go to the gym at night( 9pm). So far no shut down,
I do have some test -E on hand just in case something wrong goes down. My HR is up bit, and I always have this issue when i am cycling, but many people have no problems with this.
The reason why I am doing this is to get to the bottom of this bs as many of those who have never done eq alone cycle are always preadark_sideng about bad sides from it etc.
If it does not shut you down you do not need test as many here are saying you do .
According to the logic here it should have shut me down already but everything is still fine.
I am doing a low dose and I have responded to only 175mg a week, once a week, since it is a long ester.
So far no real complaints, just pros. I have gained 10 lb in the first week already, but I think it is my muscles just coming back around since I have dropped 7 lb in previous 2 weeks due to low calorie diet and rest period. I did notice the first 2 days an increased appetite , and it is still there but not to a degree where it would posses a problem and be out of control( but definitely an help if trying to get more calories in and get the recovery you need).
Week 2 EQ I did same amount… keep posting…
Good luck with your cycle.- November 10, 2020 at 5:12 am
Originally Posted by outlaw78
I am running eq, with bit of aromasin . I have done low dose the first week at 175mg and I have gotten better workout definitely.
Better motivation and pumps that stay. I had a pretty intense chest workout at night and I never go to the gym at night( 9pm). So far no shut down,
I do have some test -E on hand just in case something wrong goes down. My HR is up bit, and I always have this issue when i am cycling, but many people have no problems with this.
The reason why I am doing this is to get to the bottom of this bs as many of those who have never done eq alone cycle are always preadark_sideng about bad sides from it etc.
If it does not shut you down you do not need test as many here are saying you do .
According to the logic here it should have shut me down already but everything is still fine.
I am doing a low dose and I have responded to only 175mg a week, once a week, since it is a long ester.
So far no real complaints, just pros. I have gained 10 lb in the first week already, but I think it is my muscles just coming back around since I have dropped 7 lb in previous 2 weeks due to low calorie diet and rest period. I did notice the first 2 days an increased appetite , and it is still there but not to a degree where it would posses a problem and be out of control( but definitely an help if trying to get more calories in and get the recovery you need).
Week 2 EQ I did same amount… keep posting…
Good luck with your cycle.Please don’t listen to this guy^^^
10lbs on EQ? U must have a moon face from hell. Lmao
Haha the shit people do to their bodies.
- November 10, 2020 at 6:14 am
Originally Posted by outlaw78
I am running eq, with bit of aromasin . I have done low dose the first week at 175mg and I have gotten better workout definitely.
Better motivation and pumps that stay. I had a pretty intense chest workout at night and I never go to the gym at night( 9pm). So far no shut down,
I do have some test -E on hand just in case something wrong goes down. My HR is up bit, and I always have this issue when i am cycling, but many people have no problems with this.
The reason why I am doing this is to get to the bottom of this bs as many of those who have never done eq alone cycle are always preadark_sideng about bad sides from it etc.
If it does not shut you down you do not need test as many here are saying you do .
According to the logic here it should have shut me down already but everything is still fine.
I am doing a low dose and I have responded to only 175mg a week, once a week, since it is a long ester.
So far no real complaints, just pros. I have gained 10 lb in the first week already, but I think it is my muscles just coming back around since I have dropped 7 lb in previous 2 weeks due to low calorie diet and rest period. I did notice the first 2 days an increased appetite , and it is still there but not to a degree where it would posses a problem and be out of control( but definitely an help if trying to get more calories in and get the recovery you need).
Week 2 EQ I did same amount… keep posting…
Good luck with your cycle.How would you know you arent shut down? Did you get blood work done? That is the only way to tell for sure!! You cant just go by how you feel. Thats a big mistake. I have had blood work done and my total test levels were 181. But i was not having issues. They didnt come til later. It is not just "our" bro science logic that eq shuts you done. Its a fact. It will eventual shut you down. How soon depends on dose and the person. Eq should be ran with atleast d trt dose(100mg-200mg aweek) now will you die if you dont? Nope! But there are far more pros then cons if you run test then if you dont.
- November 10, 2020 at 7:38 am
Originally Posted by outlaw78
I am running eq, with bit of aromasin . I have done low dose the first week at 175mg and I have gotten better workout definitely.
Better motivation and pumps that stay. I had a pretty intense chest workout at night and I never go to the gym at night( 9pm). So far no shut down,
I do have some test -E on hand just in case something wrong goes down. My HR is up bit, and I always have this issue when i am cycling, but many people have no problems with this.
The reason why I am doing this is to get to the bottom of this bs as many of those who have never done eq alone cycle are always preadark_sideng about bad sides from it etc.
If it does not shut you down you do not need test as many here are saying you do .
According to the logic here it should have shut me down already but everything is still fine.
I am doing a low dose and I have responded to only 175mg a week, once a week, since it is a long ester.
So far no real complaints, just pros. I have gained 10 lb in the first week already, but I think it is my muscles just coming back around since I have dropped 7 lb in previous 2 weeks due to low calorie diet and rest period. I did notice the first 2 days an increased appetite , and it is still there but not to a degree where it would posses a problem and be out of control( but definitely an help if trying to get more calories in and get the recovery you need).
Week 2 EQ I did same amount… keep posting…
Good luck with your cycle.ALSO 175mg OF EQ WILL NOT PUT 10lbs OF WEIGHT ON YOU IN THE 1st WEEK!!!!!!!!!!
- November 10, 2020 at 8:40 am
Honestly, EQ is probably my least favorite steroid and even though you will get a guy here and there that swears by it, I would not use it for anything more than to cut other steroids with, so that they hurt less.I would start by dieting and dropping to around 12-14% BF while working out. If you cant get your body fat percentage while off steroids you wont drop it while on.
Once you are down in BF%, I would jump on 300-500mg/w of just Test. You can run this cycle for your first 2 or 3 cycles imo with great results.
The key here is going to be you learning how to diet and getting your body fat percentage down. This will let you know you are ready. If you cant do this, then you are not ready to jump into steroids since you will not see good results.
Good luck!
- November 10, 2020 at 9:31 am
Best to read the stickies again. The best info is from knowledgeable members with high post counts.
Vets are easily reconized by the color status they have adark_sideeved.- November 10, 2020 at 10:28 am
Boldenone is useless to anyone who actually needs AAS to grow.
Most of the guys who claim to get good gains from boldenone are rookies who just started lifting and would have gained those gains naturally anyway. The Boldenone mostly just gave them an appetite boost and motivation to lift harder.And the experienced guy who love boldenone…well, they’re on so much other gear that they’re falsely attributing their gains to Bold and they just like the vascularity.
Sure, it is anabolic ; but only roughly 1/3rd as effective as test, and more expensive.
- November 10, 2020 at 11:41 am
My first ever cycle was EQ only for 12wks at 400mg/wk. I took nothing else with it. I went from the low 170’s very lean to the mid-180’s, still very lean. Strength went up significantly, not tremendously but it was noticeable. Diet did not change, training did not change. The only change was the added EQ.The primary flaw in the above cycle is simple – while it did serve it’s purpose in the moment it wasn’t a well thought out plan in terms of long term. Any steroid you take suppresses natural testosterone production, including when you take testosterone. The rate of suppression varies greatly from one steroid to the next, but suppression and significant amounts will occur. It is very significant with EQ. So while on cycle, due to the increase in hormones brought on by EQ and being at a young age (I was around 19yrs old) I didn’t notice the drop during. But once the cycle had passed, there it was big as day. Strength fell back to where it was previously seemingly overnight. The tighter look I had vanished just as fast – again, nothing else changed in diet or training, all that changed this time was the absence of EQ and now lower testosterone levels .
Does this help explain the problem with your proposed cycle?
Also, on EQ being a waste, I think that’s a bit of a stretch. We all have different steroids we respond better too. That said, EQ is never going to be one of the big boys but it can serve a purpose in a cycle. I do think it’s best purpose is in high dose cutting cycles at the front end when you’re trying to keep the total mg’s up and bridging the gap with relatively friendlier compounds. That’s not something most have to worry about though with regular recreational gear use. But as far as a recreational gear user, EQ and testosterone combos can be fine. The heavens aren’t going to split open but it can be a decent place for a mild cycle.
Last note – you don’t have to change the way you eat because you’re using steroids. The idea behind gear use is simple: take what you’re already doing right and do it better by adding gear. Sure, at times you may need to increase your calories to make better use of the gear and at other times you may not, but the base of your diet should stay relatively the same.
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