This is my very first cycle ever… I’m 50 years old… wanted to lose some weight and do some cutting… not bulk up. I am 6′; I was 200 lbs. I am in the middle of my 6th week… plan on going 12 full weeks.
500mg Test E injected once a week
60 mg Anavar taken every day (doses 3x a day)
6-7 tabs Clen Every day for the last 8 weeks (doses 3x a day)
.25 Nolva Every day
.25 L-Dex Every day
I am now 210 lbs, 9% Body Fat… I feel leaner, harder; definitely more muscle and less fat. Excellent strenth gains… and I’m jus half-way through this first cycle! Very pleased.
I need to add something for the cholesterol… did not know that. I love this site!