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Anywhere from 400-600 will work. I see mast as an ancillary. Theres no reason not to run it. It curbs estro and prolactin, while increasing sex drive and strength. 400 is where the therapeutic properties will start, anything beyond that will continue to help with the latter. Of course like anything else, if you run some insane amount there will be diminishing returns.
Keeping dbol gains are tricky. Best way to keep dbol gains is to taper off of it. Dont just run it for 4-5 weeks then stop. Continue another 1-3 weeks at a low dose. Take a liver supplement.
Im planning a back to back 6 month bulk/cut cycle. 500mgNandroDecano/300mgTestEnth clean bulk for 3 months then a 500mgMast/300mgTestEnth cut for 3 months.
I have been wanting to isolate the effects of Masteron just to see what its all about, never used it before, so I wont be running any other cutting compound with it except maybe Proviron .
Do you think 500mg of Mast weekly will be enough to hold on to all the muscle during the cut and maybe even increase strength?