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  • Steroyden
    I ran 40 mg a day for 50 days, but am thinking of running it at 60. What are your thoughts on this? I read the sites article on HCG and it said water retention and possible gyno where side effects. How do i avoid these. Would you run hcg at the same time as var or just for pct? Same question for nolva

    MuscleInk thank you for your sincere advice I really appreciate it. The reality is though that I’m not just training as a strength athlete I do a competitive varsity sport at a University level where to be honest we are forced into overtraining. My body honestly breaks down doing the training naturally even with good diet and sleep habits. When I was on Var however I made not only strength improvements but also technically improved at my sport drastically and began to enjoy my sport much more because i wasn’t so worn out all the time. So for my next cycle which i most likely will do how in my shoes would you go about it differently. Would you stack a little nolvadex with var or only use it for pct. I have heard var can shut you down somewhat so i take tribulus fenugreek and longjack route to try and support my natural testosterone somewhat. Is this sufficient? What are you thoughts? I would really appreciate your advice.

    Yeah i really enjoyed anavar and loved the efffects from it. It has been perfect i just want another steroid that will have similar effects to anavar (slight fat burning effect increased strength and recovery time). I don’t want to just throw on 10 lbs of muscle in eight weeks. Do you think that running turanibol at a very low dose would give me a similar effect to var?

    I think i am quite disciplined with my diet i eat around 2500 calories when dieting and 3500 when bulking I am 180 lbs 7% bodyfat (Bench 300, Deadlift 525 and squat 455) and train very hard. The reality is that i am a competitive and train so frequently that it is very difficult to recover between sessions. Anavar has helped me do that and I feel that the benefits of steroids even at my age outweigh the detriments. With that said however i liked anavar because it is not a testosterone based steroid in it requires very little PCT. I am quite young so i do not like to use steroids that have a strong effect on my bodies natural testosterone levels . musitiontinite why would you advise so strongly against anavar use at a younger age? There is very little information about this so I would really appreciate all of your feedback .

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