Facts are that AAS ‘can’ cause LVH and AAS abuse will cause LVH (Yes I said will). Will it be the death of you? Maybe, maybe not. Do some steroids have a greater effect than others? Yes. Tren would be one of them. What scientific facts do I have? The same scientific facts you would have saying they don’t. Scientist generally don’t go out of their way to study aas negative or even positive effects. They do what they do and they may have adverse effects. From my own personal experience after my first tren cycle my cardio has never been the same. My RHR went from 42 (Endurance athlete) to 80. On cycle it was terrible, couldn’t even make it up the stairs without having to stop for a breath. IMO you don’t need to do Cardio on tren, at least not intense cardio, walking on a treadmill or working on an elliptical at low intensity is more than enough. Tren will rip you up no matter what.