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  • oplox07
    Quote Originally Posted by numbereView
    OP’s cycle is 600mg/week test, 400mg/week deca and 50mg/day of dbol .

    He doesn’t need 2.3mg/week of dex.

    Jon take 0.5mg EOD then pull labs at week 6-8 that include a sensitive estradiol assay.

    If you experience high/low e2 sides early on then pull a estradiol assay sooner.

    Ok I will start with 0.5 EOD pills cut in half nicely ,

    my last cycles I never EVER ran a AI and never had problems but this time around I wanna see what happens with an AI

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus GView
    Yh that’s why I dose every 3rd day

    so 0.5mg sunday wed example?

    or maybe just start at 1mg twice a week?

    deca 400
    test 600

    so seems like .25 or ISH… EOD starting inject

    my pills fal apart I can only get halfs..

    Quote Originally Posted by numbereView
    This same exact question has been answered for you in your last three cycle threads.

    Arimidex should be taken every other day.

    oh thank you

    Deca is very very strong be careful and one shot can stay in your blood for up to 9 months and be detecable just read a whole article on this Chem I’ve personally love this Chem but for what you are doing why not just use normal test and a low does this will shut down your normal production with less sides and you can manage the does probably 50-100 every week would be a bough to lower it

    Correct me if I’m wrong someone but injectkmg test will shirt down his production safer then deca

    So this is your first cycle….
    you’ve only been training a year.
    seems like you have very little knowledge on supplements and diet/nutrition

    You’re 5 weeks into this cycle with no PCT on hand or anything else to manage possible sides that could happen on cycle ? no blood work…. and looks to be no AI during the cycle to keep E2 in line ?

    I would stop right now before you cause more damage to yourself get on a PCT ASAP and next time do more research before you get into something you have zero knowledge about

    And to answer your question about sides everyone reacts differently that’s why a first cycle is TEST E ONLY so you know how you react , that deca dosage its completely useless im running 600mg a week of deca currently … unless you are using the does for joint support which makes no sense from your post ,

    you use an AI during the cycle to keep sides down… aromasin / adex / etc ,

    and I guess you plan to be natural after this I see not HCG during the cycle to keep the testies working either

    My pills are 1mg … don’t 0.5mg my only option for cutting them… I have aromison on hand 12.5mg but want to try adex ,

    so you guys say EOD not not even mon wed fri
    EOD so its different every week

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