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Originally Posted by songdog
Dang it Red can’t you RETII he said he is got it so he is going too run it! I just couldn’t help myself you want to help these guys but sometimes you can’tHahaha thank you,
But in saying all this I’m not some big timer that is going to jab mass amounts I only have 1 vial of decs and 1 vial of sus it’s just to help me get some sort of gains didn’t think it would be this much of a problemOriginally Posted by songdog
So wat you are saying is you didn’t really want help you wanted us too agree with this mess.Tip Deca isn’t a good 2nd cycle compound and your knowledge is limited and Deca is harder to recover from.Look I understand everything that could go wrong I understand I need a strong Pct and I’m working on getting it, I just wanted a simple answer as is the dosage I’m using fine .25cc/ml deca and .5cc/ml sus 2 times a week going to get me results and make me look a little leaner with gains, of not what should I take?
Originally Posted by NACH3
I’d get your bf% down as low as possible(at least 15% max) as you will have more testosterone converting to estrogen at 20% or anything over 15% puts you in that danger zone with E2!What on cycle ancillaries are you planning to run?? AI/hCG /DA(for prolactin as your running a 19nor like Nandrolone )? What’s your PCT look like??
You said you ran a cycle of test e… when? I’d go with test again it’s your diet and training that will yield the results you need!
20% was just a guess tonne honest like I’m not fat I just have somewhat of a pot if I tense you can see the outline of abs.
I’m running deca and sus as that what I have at the moment,
I ran test e about 2year ago, as for what cycle ancillaries I’m running I have no clue what that isOriginally Posted by redz
20% bf is high for a cycle and your dosing is a disaster. No ai, no hcg and a weak pct it’s a total fail abort the cycle. Cut some bf naturally and get educated while you do that.20% was just a guess tonne honest like I’m not fat I just have somewhat of a pot if I tense you can see the outline of abs
Originally Posted by songdog
Wat would be great is some stats Ht wt age # of cycles ran bf%Hi, sorry I have just edited the post the the %of bf
It is currently at %20 my higher is 176cm and my age is 24
Also a couple years ago a ran a cycle of test e
ThanksOriginally Posted by Marcus G
It’d be great help if you could display mg of each for example sust 250 or deca 300?Sus 300mg/ml
Deca 250mg/mlOriginally Posted by SkYB
What is your deca and sust dosed at mg/ml? Your ai is aromatize inhibitor generally either adex(anastrozol) or aromasin (stane)Sus 300mg/ml
Deca 250mg/mlOriginally Posted by Silabolin
Remember to display mg also.
I guess sus is 250mg/ml.
U should up the dose to 500 mg each week.Guess deca is 250 mg also. Meaning. Ur only running 125 mg each week. Pointless. U should up to at least 250.
And u should use an aromase inhibitor to make sure your extra testosteron doesnt change into the female hormon estrogen.
But this is your first, right? If yes u should stop deca.
So your saying I should use 1ml/cc sus and .5ml/cc deca 2times a week? And keep on up the dosage weekly? Also it’s not the first time I have ran a cycle I have done test e couple years ago.
Also I’m unfamiliar with what aromase inhibitor is.Ps: sorry if I have replied too times new to this site
So your saying I should use 1ml/cc sus and .5ml/cc deca 2times a week? And keep on up the dosage weekly? Also it’s not the first time I have ran a cycle I have done test e couple years ago.
Also I’m unfamiliar with what aromase inhibitor is.Ps: sorry if I have replied too times new to this site