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- November 5, 2020 at 9:50 am
- in reply to: Nolva during cycle
The main downside to Nolva that I know about is that it lowers IGF-1 production.IMO the only time it’s beneficial to run nolva over an ai is if one is purposely utilizing higher estrogen during a bulk because as our good friend S@merheaded has pointed out, estrogen is actually very anabolic and there are advantages to keeping it high. A good example of this is if you wanna run dbol on a bulk and want to use its high rate of aromatization to your advantage, one could run nolva to prevent gyno and let the increased estrogen aid their bulk….although nolva will do nothing for the bloat so you WILL be bloated to an extent depending on how clean your diet is, but when bulking it’s not optimal IME to eat super clean.
So, the takeaway is nolva does hinder gains by decreasing IGF-1 production so for most people, most of the time, an AI will be a better option to manage estrogen. The one situation where it would make sense to run nolva over an AI is if one specifically WANTS to utilize higher estrogen levels for growth during a "wet" bulk like when running dbol, test and other aromatizing compounds.
- November 5, 2020 at 8:28 am
- in reply to: What Steroids show up on a piss drug test?
Originally Posted by mambetus
No, just don’t use any ephedrine, as it will test positive for amphetamine.Yup that’s true. So will DMAA and DMBA which are technically banned but some of the underground companies still have it in there so be mindful of that.
- November 3, 2020 at 6:02 am
- in reply to: Test and eq cycle
Originally Posted by OldBoy
interesting side note . EQ is really nothing more then injectable Dbol (they just un-mehtylated Dbol and removed the 17alka .. but other then that its chemically the same drug). of course that shows how much a drug can change its nature, one being made for oral consumption and one made for injection only (big difference between the two now)Interesting man.. People may get confused with Reforvit-b which is still methandrostenelone but in sterile injectable form. Wonder if my body would react the same to injectble version of same drug..?
Yeah I’ve heard you mention that but didn’t consider the connection til you pointed it out. I can run test and eq at over a gram a week for extended periods of time with no note worthy impact on my hemo and crit, but a mere 30mgs of dbol I have blood gushing outta my nose cause it gets so high!
- November 3, 2020 at 3:38 am
- in reply to: Test and eq cycle
Originally Posted by Valleylift
I want to experience for myself how it compares to deca mainly and also have read in several different places that strength and endurance gains are very common with EQ without as high of estrogen activity as other choices. Plus the increased appetite wouldn’t be a bad thing in my case eitherEQ is great for appetite increase but I thought you said you’re not worried about size on this cycle and your St07ed on strength..?
In that case EQ is def not your best option. It’s prob my favorite compound to run in the background as a staple but wouldn’t recommend to someone looking to make notable strength gains.
When it comes to strength I hate to say it but one drug is king!
- November 3, 2020 at 2:44 am
- in reply to: Test and eq cycle
I never hear guys talking about dbol raising hematocrit and hemoglobin which is ironic cause that’s the only drug that’s raised my rbc’s so high that I was getting nose bleeds every time I leaned over….even happened once when I was going down on my girl, not very sexy hahaha. But yeah like GH I’ve had the same experience with EQ, been on it for months as well as test and no issues.On the flip side, I have buddies on ONLY trt and maybe a little nandrolone through a doctor and they have a difficult time controlling their hemoglobin and crit… Genetics, genetics, genetics!
- October 30, 2020 at 2:58 pm
- in reply to: Tren and Deca stack?
Have you taken either of those compounds on their own?- October 30, 2020 at 11:59 am
- in reply to: EQ or Primobolan
I respond well to EQ and would recommend on a bulk over deca due to it’s appetite enhancing effects and lack of sexual sides which are almost always apparent on some level when running 19nors..But Primo is the magic potion man, that shit gives your body a look that no other steroid can IME…well maybe tren but tren comes with a host of sides where as with primo you feel great on it. Primo makes you look full but also brings out separation so it really makes your physique pop and gives you that 3D muscle look! Only downside is it’s expensive as hell BUT if you can find real shit then I’d make primo a staple for sure.
I ran it a while back and even my training partners would make comments that I had striations jumping out everywhere lol and I’d never seen that before so I attribute that "look" to the primo although of course my bf was prob just under 10% at the time as well…drugs that bring out separation can only shine when you’re in shape or else you can’t see the magic.
- March 7, 2019 at 5:06 pm
- in reply to: T3 or T4: how to take them correctly?
IME I felt the best when taking it with food in the morning. IMO the dose doesn’t need to be higher than 50mcgs once a day in the am as levels peak after a few hours and take several days to metabolize.I have seen guys go up to 100mcgs and even 150mcgs for pro level competitors but for most of us 50mcgs should do the trick because there is a negative feedback loop with thyroid hormone although I’ve heard people say it flips right back on…yes, at lower dosages, if it’s not run for extended periods of time then your thyroid will switch right back on but a lot of bikini and figure competitors have thyroids that are shot to hell cause they stayed on cytomel year round during the years they competed…Don’t do this! Cycle it like everything else to allow endogenous function to stay in tact.
IMO the best time to use t3 is if your natural levels are low to begin with, if you’re cutting for a show and can’t get those last 10 pounds off, or if you’re running tren and thyroid output has decreased as it tends to do on tren.