Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex

Forums ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Type of AI: Aromasin vs Arimidex

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    I just wants some guidance of the different type of AI. Two main type suicidal AI, where the enzyme is irreversibly inhibited and non-suicidal where it become a competitive inhibitor. stop the drug and stop the effect.

    I know with Arimidex (which is non-suicidal) you can get rebound Estro issues as the inhibitor looses it effect while with Aromasin that inst possible as the enzyme has effectively been destroyed.

    sogiven the choice between the two types, with equal availability and being pharma grade which would you choose for better effect? At the moment im thinking Aromasin just because there is no immediate rebound. Unless there other things that I need to consider? Side effect from the drugs themselves

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    So, do they both work pretty well, just a matter of choice? Currently on trt but will start 1st blast next year. No need for ai on current trt protocol. Don’t mean to thread-jack (maybe just a little) but my question is relevant and might help other people in my situation reading this. Will do 500mg/wk test cyp. No HCG . Can get either ai pharmacy grade.

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