Test Acetate cycle


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    I find there is significantly less information on Testosterone Acetate, but from everything I have read it seems like it’s very similar to Propionate , but somewhat less painful.

    I have been circling around my first cycle for some time now and I am asking for some advice from some of the more knowledgeable users here.

    First my stats: 5’11" / 8%bf / 33yrs / 192lbs

    I have been training in pro wrestling & lifting weights / exercising for just over 1 year and I am looking to make some better gains and improve my physique. I am not looking anything as extreme as bodybuilding gains – just a really nice (better) cut and dry look. Diet is in check.

    On to my considered cycle:

    Weeks 1-6
    Test Acetate 100mg EOD (300mg/week)
    Proviron 50mg ED

    Weeks 7-10
    Nolva 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/100/50/50

    Letro on hand as AI (gyno prone – previous surgery from puberty gyno)

    Is there any benefit to running a longer ester on a first cycle? I am considering a short ester to give less time to see how my body reacts and also to keep my first cycle short and sweet. I am also keeping my daily intake under 500, but over 250 for the same reasons. From what I have heard and read, prop can be very painful and I have access to Acetate, so that is why I am considering Acetate. Please provide me with as much advice and criticism as you want – Anything helps. Thanks in advance.

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  • Replies
    My suggestion

    1-8wk test prop (150mg eod)
    Drop the proviron

    1-8wk adex .5 MG eod

    Pct (4 week dosages)
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Thank you for the response. Any reason why you suggest prop over acetate? Why no proviron – It is because it is a first cycle? From what I have researched, it helps add a bit of hardness and definition without many negative effects. I am not arguing, just wondering the reason of your suggestions. Again, much appreciated. The suggestion of changing the PCT format seems great as well.

    Marcus G
    I agree you should extend to 8 weeks, however I think 150mg eod seams a little high for a first cycle. I’d stay at 100mg eod. Drop Letrozole and use arimidex at 0.25mg EOD have Nolvadex incase gyno flares up. Pct looks OK and again I’d drop Proviron just keep it simple.

    How much more cut than 8% do you want to be?
    Quote Originally Posted by richard_hardwoodView
    Thank you for the response. Any reason why you suggest prop over acetate? Why no proviron – It is because it is a first cycle? From what I have researched, it helps add a bit of hardness and definition without many negative effects. I am not arguing, just wondering the reason of your suggestions. Again, much appreciated. The suggestion of changing the PCT format seems great as well.

    Prop is more regularly available. If ur worried about the PIP that needs to end now because regardless if u shoot prop or ace ur shooting it into a virgin muscle which is going to cause some kind of PIP.

    Proviron is a was of money to me and I would say most people would agree. You know that’s not a sufficient A.I. if u are trying to use it as one. Get urself some Adex.

    Dosage is up to you boss. I like 600mg some people like 400mg some like 500mg. But I wouldn’t go any higher then 600mg for ur first cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus GView
    I agree you should extend to 8 weeks, however I think 150mg eod seams a little high for a first cycle. I’d stay at 100mg eod. Drop Letrozole and use arimidex at 0.25mg EOD have Nolvadex incase gyno flares up. Pct looks OK and again I’d drop Proviron just keep it simple.

    I like this. Prop is not painful if brewed properly and if your worried about pain you better opt out now due to min. EOD injections.

    IMO keep it simple for a first go and when I say keep it simple I would suggest a test e or cyp cycle. Your leans gains still can be obtained through a clean diet, proper estrogen control, and a hard training and cardio routine.

    You’d think a pro wrestler would be fairly tolerant to pain lol but all kidding aside the only time I ran prop it was painless. Forget proviron . Also I’m not calling you a liar but I’m willing to bet you aren’t 8% bf natty.

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