› Forums › ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS › Teens and Steroids.
- This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by Gikson.
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- October 30, 2020 at 11:22 am
Ok I want to get this straight because it really annoys me!. Teens nowadays just want fast results and it so annoying because there afraid to put in a little hard work. If your a teen and thinking about taking steroids then seriously get your head straight.. Im a teen myself and went through a stage of thinking I was going to take steroids then I actually thought to myself, what would my family think of me doing these at such a young age? Think about that. I bet 95% of the teens on here think about steroids before they even think about improving their nutrition or training. Not only do you not need them but your body is basically on steroids in your teens and there’s only one chance you get to be a teen so live it up and work hard and stop thinking about doing steroids ! When you get a little older when your test levels start to reduce then maybe consider doing it if your diet and training is nearly perfect!. I just wanted to get this off my mind because it annoys me when I see teens posting about using Avavar and test.Anyway thanks !
- Replies
- October 30, 2020 at 11:43 am
Thanks Tyler. Well put. Diet exercise and hard work is the proper combination to reach your goals- October 30, 2020 at 2:01 pm
This was nice post and Im glad you view AAS usage this way. Its sad that most people don’tOriginally Posted by TylerFallon
Ok I want to get this straight because it really annoys me!. Teens nowadays just want fast results and it so annoying because there afraid to put in a little hard work.Most people in general want a quick fix to everything. They don’t want to work for anything they want it handed to them. I work part time as trainer. It amazes me the amount of clients that come to me and want, “magic pill” to help lose weight, get in shape, or build muscle. Most people don’t even want to spend the time doing research that could help them adark_sideeve their goals because, “ its to much work.” Its sad when you can get AAS, slin, HGH, clen , and other drugs easier than you can get supplements. We know teens shouldn’t use AAS and we can preach that they shouldn’t. We can help those that come to sites like this one and warn them of the dangers associated with AAS usage. However, people are conned every day into taking supplements. There is a reason why companies use pros and try and make people believe that’s how they adark_sideeved their gains. In gyms everyday people are approached by walking product endorsements pushing product and whispering that, “Its perfectly safe. Side effects only happen to people who take to much. You can take triple that dose with no side effects.” People are sucked in and exposed to AAS with no understanding. They see this huge guy who is offering to sell them gear and they know it works so of course most of them buy it.
- October 30, 2020 at 5:40 pm
People don’t seem to realize that improving their diet goes a long way. That’s probably a reason why teens don’t see any gains and consequently turn to steroids … Plus, even with hard work, you’re not going to turn into a TrueMaxder overnight! It takes consistency.- November 10, 2020 at 1:14 am
Most people don’t actually realize that it is mostly advice from people who learned it the hard way, trying to protect others from mistakes they experienced, but it is not a dark_sidet-chat talk, what I can say to all teenagers thinking about this – playing with your hormones is not a joke and just a pin penetrating your skin, or just a pill going down your throat, what goes behind this is much more complicated and dangerous, even at low doses.
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