Primobolan vs Anavar


  • This topic has 23 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Huger.
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    So iv used Anavar and loved it and been looking into primo. Seems they are similar in that they give you slow, dry, keepable gains. They both are expensive for legit stuff and both commonly faked. Seems like you can run cycles of injectable primo for much longer tho. Can someoe that has used both compare the two of these?

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    Quote Originally Posted by WindexView
    As GH said in Post 4 there is no comparison.

    So they both aren’t dry gainers, expensive, and commonly faked?

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

    Quote Originally Posted by  rubsdView
    So they both aren’t dry gainers, expensive, and commonly faked?

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

    I’ve never gotten fake Primo or Var. The whole fake nonsense is a bunch of parroted fear spreading from people who aren’t intelligent enough to research ahead of time on a lab.

    People also take Primo expecting the same results as when they were on Test Deca Dbol or Test Tren Mast. That’s why people think it’s fake because they don’t understand the compound to begin with.

    If Anavar was faked by UGL as much as what’s parroted then every other woman would be walking around with a miBamb penis clit, a beard trimmer, and a voice deeper than the grand canyon.

    If you take a few minutes to read the profiles of each compound you will see why they are different.

    I agree with OldBoy and Windex on this one, NO CONTEST!!!

    Nothing (not even Test itself) does as many different things, as thoroughly well, as this singular compound making it ACTUALLY worth the cost. It won’t provide a lot of any one property, but does deliver a wealth of noticeable properties.

    Ferrari and a tuxedo? LOL, you should be writing sitcoms. LOL.

    Of course there are both loose and distinct similarities (as Chemy cited) between these two, but that can be said for every drug member of a given class, to varying degrees.

    One should not assume that any med class (aas) or subclass (Test, Nors, DHTs) share the exact same properties in ANY category. Consequently, all orals are NOT harsh – very hepatoxic, require cycling off.

    This is CLEARLY seen in something most BB’ers NEVER bother to examine, namely steroids ‘ on-book usages (purposes and protocols) – why and how they are prescribed (dosage, frequency, duration) for clinical purposes. Even a quick perusal of the two aas in question would illustrate that they are quite often used INDEFINITELY, unlike harsher subclass members such as Andriol and Dbol .

    MOST orals are LARGELY (of course all aas have multiple underlying benefits) one trick ponies – they’ll do one thing very well. However, the compound compared in this thread, does its’ one thing very well, and several other things moderately/noticeably well.

    We’ll let you decide which one is the Ferrari, and which is the tuxedo (not Jackie Chan’s).

    Love my Var & just recently received my order of Primo, but have a question? Noticed after the fact that on the Steroid profile here, they list primo among the MOST hair unfriendly compound. Do any of you have any experience with this? My ugly ass head does not look good bald.

    Quote Originally Posted by ProximalView
    Love my Var & just recently received my order of Primo, but have a question? Noticed after the fact that on the Steroid profile here, they list primo among the MOST hair unfriendly compound. Do any of you have any experience with this? My ugly ass head does not look good bald.

    its considered ‘hair friendly’ because of its mainly anabolic properties with very little androgen load .. but keep in mind it has a strong ability to lower SHRonin . this can result in a much higher level of un bound DHT and ultimately hair follicle binding by the DHT , and if your prone to hair loss from DHT , then primo will indeed increase those odds.

    Quote Originally Posted by OldBoyView
    its considered ‘hair friendly’ because of its mainly anabolic properties with very little androgen load .. but keep in mind it has a strong ability to lower SHRonin . this can result in a much higher level of un bound DHT and ultimately hair follicle binding by the DHT , and if your prone to hair loss from DHT , then primo will indeed increase those odds.

    TY. Let’s see when I get back to the gym, don’t want to waste it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by ProximalView
    Love my Var & just recently received my order of Primo, but have a question? Noticed after the fact that on the Steroid profile here, they list primo among the MOST hair unfriendly compound. Do any of you have any experience with this? My ugly ass head does not look good bald.

    I’ve been on some degree of primo for like 6 months and my hair is fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by nightflierView
    Why not? Anavar is one oral you can run pretty much indefinitely if you want to

    I wouldn’t run more than 10mg a day indefinitely, it can mess up the lipids, among other things. And 10mg is such a low dose that why would I bother, the only use for it that I can see is to lower SHRonin, but then again, pretty much any injectable aas can do that. Obviously though the sides can vary from person to person, and some ppl don’t care about the risks associated with bad lipids, that’s just my own preference.

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