› Forums › ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS › Injection site question?
- This topic has 39 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by Frbanhat.
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- March 16, 2019 at 12:19 pm
I know it’s proper protocol to switch injection sites for every pin. But I’m right handed and find it easier to pin my right glute. And so far no pip at all with E. So, that’s what I’ve done my first 5 pins. The one time I tried pinning in my left glute I must have hit a vein or something and got an abcess. So, is there any issues or hazards of just pinning in the same area all cycle or is best to switch between glutes and quads and so on?
- Replies
- March 16, 2019 at 12:40 pm
Originally Posted by Wickedg8gt
I know it’s proper protocol to switch injection sites for every pin. But I’m right handed and find it easier to pin my right glute. And so far no pip at all with E. So, that’s what I’ve done my first 5 pins. The one time I tried pinning in my left glute I must have hit a vein or something and got an abcess. So, is there any issues or hazards of just pinning in the same area all cycle or is best to switch between glutes and quads and so on?Sticking to a single muscle for an entire cycle is a pretty good way to find yourself with oil puking out of the muscle in short order. I’ve seen more than one guy with oil lumps from trying this kind of thing.
Seriously, get comfortable with different muscles, or you might want to consider whether or not this whole thing really is for you. I’m at the point now where I rotate between side delts, front delts, two different quad areas, pecs, biceps and ventroglutes.
- March 16, 2019 at 1:50 pm
In all honesty I only shoot my quads because I find it easy and convenient and it has never given me any problems. I do at least switch back and forth between the two sides, though.Fenix7 has a point that volume, irritation, scar tissue, and whatever is best spread out aBambss multiple sites. I think it’s worth noting that while we say that site enhancement is bs there is a bit of truth to it, even if it’s just from the oils stretdark_sideng muscle fascia and possibly causing minor irritation– and who wants to be lopsided? What you might get away with on one low-volume cycle is not good, sustainable practice.
- March 16, 2019 at 4:31 pm
Originally Posted by Kain
In all honesty I only shoot my quads because I find it easy and convenient and it has never given me any problems. I do at least switch back and forth between the two sides, though.Fenix7 has a point that volume, irritation, scar tissue, and whatever is best spread out aBambss multiple sites. I think it’s worth noting that while we say that site enhancement is bs there is a bit of truth to it, even if it’s just from the oils stretdark_sideng muscle fascia and possibly causing minor irritation– and who wants to be lopsided? What you might get away with on one low-volume cycle is not good, sustainable practice.
The “quads” have the following benefits that glute max injections don’t:
-it’s more than one muscle.
-the vastus lateralus is much larger by surface area, giving you the ability to rotate a couple of sites without having to worry about the oil permeation that happens. (It’s not a major factor but does happen)Lat injections would also offer this last benefit, assuming you can reliably reach multiple areas without pulling an uncomfortable contortionist act that results in a bunch of syringe movement.
Nine times of ten, people who stick to glute only have this habit of pinning themselves within the same two inch area.
Even most western medicine is slowly moving away from glute max injections, and there are a host of reasons for that.
- November 3, 2020 at 1:00 am
Originally Posted by Kain
The “quads” have the following benefits that glute max injections don’t:
-it’s more than one muscle.
-the vastus lateralus is much larger by surface area, giving you the ability to rotate a couple of sites without having to worry about the oil permeation that happens. (It’s not a major factor but does happen)Lat injections would also offer this last benefit, assuming you can reliably reach multiple areas without pulling an uncomfortable contortionist act that results in a bunch of syringe movement.
Nine times of ten, people who stick to glute only have this habit of pinning themselves within the same two inch area.
Even most western medicine is slowly moving away from glute max injections, and there are a host of reasons for that.
I appreciate it guys. I’ll switch it up. I currently have 23G x 1.5 needles for the glute. But I litterally just now ordered 25g x 1 so I can try quad and side delt injections. I figured 25g is smaller and 1in is enough for bith spots since I’m not a big massive guy anyway.
I do know the quad has alot veins and blood vessels to look out for as Ive known people to hit them then have issues. Any tips for quad or delt injections?
- November 3, 2020 at 1:51 am
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezy- November 3, 2020 at 3:06 am
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyI’d definitely second that first paragraph. I’ve given many veins a through and through and bled a bit. Even gotten the occasional blood blister from catdark_sideng a vein just right to give it a lateral tear instead of a puncture. I have still never managed to actually land the end of a pin in a vein. It’s gotten to the point where I often don’t even bother aspirating anymore with 1” pins.
- November 3, 2020 at 4:30 am
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyI won the lotto yesterday. Went into my glute, and since I had tren I was like oh yeah I’m aspirating. I just instantly saw a stream of blood filling the syringe lol. Pulled out changed the head and moved the spot, easy injection. The blood bubbles looked badass in the test/tren mix too
- November 3, 2020 at 5:40 am
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyThat is a good idea. Maybe I should do that. I wonder if 1 inch is to long for a delt or quad.
I do know delt is relatively easy as just pin the side delt and call it a day. But with quads, you’re suppose to hit more on the upper outer portion correct?
- November 3, 2020 at 6:56 am
Originally Posted by LiftingLevi
I won the lotto yesterday. Went into my glute, and since I had tren I was like oh yeah I’m aspirating. I just instantly saw a stream of blood filling the syringe lol. Pulled out changed the head and moved the spot, easy injection. The blood bubbles looked badass in the test/tren mix tooyes this does happen, its mainly from penetrating through a vein. IF you would not of aspirated and simply injected, the oil would of blown out or blown back the vein and the gear would of still ended up in the muscle end not in the blood stream (though you would of had a bruise). of course a little bit of the Tren may get into the blood stream ,, thats when your lungs begin to burn your body gets all flushed and you can’t breath for a good 15 mins. fun stuff
- November 3, 2020 at 7:52 am
Originally Posted by OldBoy
yes this does happen, its mainly from penetrating through a vein. IF you would not of aspirated and simply injected, the oil would of blown out or blown back the vein and the gear would of still ended up in the muscle end not in the blood stream (though you would of had a bruise). of course a little bit of the Tren may get into the blood stream ,, thats when your lungs begin to burn your body gets all flushed and you can’t breath for a good 15 mins. fun stuffThat’s the only reason I did it the way I did, I didn’t want the 15 minutes of death lol. Now granted this is the first time out of.. what 250+ injections this has ever happened?
- November 3, 2020 at 8:44 am
Well I appreciate all the help. I guess being my first cycle I still get anxious about various things. Even after having multitude of hours read on the subject and having close friends who do it. I’ll start watdark_sideng YT videos and stuff making sure I do it correctly.I really need to get my diet in check. I’ve gained 7lbs in the 3 weeks on, and I know it’s water retention, because what abs I had are fading and tracking my lifts I’m not necesarily stronger; however I’ve eaten like complete dog shit since Monday due to holidays and need to get back on track.
- November 3, 2020 at 9:52 am
I’m on my first cycle too. I would definitely experiment with different sites. But then again, I’ve been told I do some weird stuff for it being my first cycle. Apparently delt injections on a first cycle are unusual? That was my very first injection haha. I rotate delts, triceps, quads, and glutes. I did lats too, but I hit a nerve my third time doing it so I’m done with that for now. I didn’t even know there WERE nerves there, but that’s also the only muscle where I didn’t bother to check nerve and blood vessel pathways. That said, lats seem to be almost immune to PIP.The more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll be with it, the more you’ll feel like switdark_sideng it up. Eventually, your hand won’t even shake even while using your non-dominant hand to inject.
- November 3, 2020 at 10:49 am
Originally Posted by Arcвnn
I’m on my first cycle too. I would definitely experiment with different sites. But then again, I’ve been told I do some weird stuff for it being my first cycle. Apparently delt injections on a first cycle are unusual? That was my very first injection haha. I rotate delts, triceps, quads, and glutes. I did lats too, but I hit a nerve my third time doing it so I’m done with that for now. I didn’t even know there WERE nerves there, but that’s also the only muscle where I didn’t bother to check nerve and blood vessel pathways. That said, lats seem to be almost immune to PIP.The more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll be with it, the more you’ll feel like switdark_sideng it up. Eventually, your hand won’t even shake even while using your non-dominant hand to inject.
I don’t think it’s so much that lats are immune to pip, as that you have to put yourself into some odd positions that would make said pip really obvious. For example, I thought my biceps were immune to it, and then I decided to do some ridiculous behind the back stretdark_sideng of them one day. Oh, it’s there, it just wasn’t being aggravated. I think that’s part of why side delts seem to have to few issues with it. You have to do some intentional and funky shit to get a real stretch on those.
- November 3, 2020 at 12:14 pm
Addition to what boys said,when the time passes you could find it harder and harder to inject it to the same site, more pressure will be required on plunger. you could bleed more, ended up oil coming out (what a waste)
Pip usually doesn’t happen with test when following correct injection technique but don’t do same site for whole cycle because then you will start seeing pip and other complications.
- November 3, 2020 at 1:35 pm
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyTo save time, do you think it would be ok if I filled a whole 12 week cycle of syringes and then just ket them sit till I need them?
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