› Forums › ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS › Info on steroids for beginners? Turanabol and Winstrol.
- This topic has 12 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by songdog.
- Post
- October 30, 2020 at 5:47 am
Hey everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am 18 years old and I’m a junior in high school. I’m 6’2 at 225 lbs. 23% bf. my bench max=255, squat 425, and power clean= 245. I’ve wrestled and played football for 10 years and I know how to work hard in the weight room. I want to be around 220 with around 6% body fat. I’m wanting to know what cycles I can take because this guy told me to start off taking Winstrol or Turanabol. What should a beginner take and are those a good idea? Any pct or should I stack? I know I’m not suppose to take it this young but I’m stupid, so I thought if I’m going to take it then I better do it the smart way. So if your going to say I’m too young, then just don’t comment on this please. If you can help me, please comment and help, thank you!
- Replies
- October 30, 2020 at 6:10 am
Welcome to the board Dantheman…
Looks like you have a good base to work with, but at 23% bf it sounds like you need to work on your diet and cardio to acheive your desired goals.
No need to mess with AAS yet, seriously at your age you will get great results just throught dedication alone.
Post your daily diet in the diet forum and what your workout routine consists of.
with some tweeks to both you could reach your goal easily without endangering your natural abilities to grow.
BTW dont listen to who ever is coadark_sideng you on AAS use, they dont know what they are talking about.
I am not gonna preach to you, but give my advice a try and you will see in a few months how much change in your physique will occur.
Add some creatine and BCAA’s to your daily diet if you are looking to boost your efforts.- October 30, 2020 at 8:41 am
I understand what you mean, and not trying to sound mean or offensive but I’m going to take steriods wether they are good for me or not. But while on them I’m going to keep my diet and cardio as well as weight room.- October 30, 2020 at 10:57 am
Your not gonna get advice here dude. Especially with that attitude. You need to get into the diet section and start adark_sideeving things there. You are to young period and you will end up hurting yourself. You don’t even have the discipline to educate yourself on a proper cycle, you want this spoon fed to you.- November 5, 2020 at 6:12 am
I’m 20 btw and after being here and seeing the horror stories, unless you want to make a paycheck off your sport it isn’t worth it.- November 5, 2020 at 7:12 am
There is no way at 18 to use steroids and be smart about it. Steroids are not recommends for under 25 or those with high body fat.
You said your used to hard work, so here is an opportunity to prove it. Get to the gym hit the cardio and get your diet straight. Diet is not the art of not eating but the art of eating right. Fast food is not eating. Soda dark_sideps etc. be honest what’s going on???
Steroids wont change these habits. Fix this first!!!- November 5, 2020 at 8:17 am
Nothin is going on, I need to be a plethora stronger by football season and wrestling for me to do my best and I know the gains I would make in the off season because I’ve done it twice and I need to make bigger gains and either test or roids can do the trick, I’m not in it for a long time usage, a cycle or two, I don’t want to be in it for anything but my sports so I can go to collage with them b/c my family nor I can afford collage.- November 5, 2020 at 9:46 am
Originally Posted by Butch
I understand what you mean, and not trying to sound mean or offensive but I’m going to take steriods wether they are good for me or not. But while on them I’m going to keep my diet and cardio as well as weight room.Bro, i understand what you are saying, but YOU NEED to understand this! In addition to the risks of your young age, your body fat is TO HIGH!!! this makes you highly suseptible to gyno! Do you even know what that is??? DO you want to grow tits like a girl???? You need to get your bf% down to at least 17%….. And turanibol is NOT a shredder!….Winstrol is a good shredder, but will not be very effective at 23% bf…… And niether turanibol nor winstrol or any other AAS compound should EVER be ran without testosterone …..Read through the educational stickies on this board and properly educate yourself about these compounds before you end up either growing tits or having your pecker not work anymore and not being able to ever have dark_sidelCrash007….trust me, i am not trying to be a jerk to you, i am just trying to be as honest and straightforward as i can be….When i was 18 god himself couldnt have taked me out of my decisions so i believe that your serious, just at least be patient enough to properly educate yourself first
- November 5, 2020 at 11:04 am
Originally Posted by Butch
Nothin is going on, I need to be a plethora stronger by football season and wrestling for me to do my best and I know the gains I would make in the off season because I’ve done it twice and I need to make bigger gains and either test or roids can do the trick, I’m not in it for a long time usage, a cycle or two, I don’t want to be in it for anything but my sports so I can go to collage with them b/c my family nor I can afford collage.Its college bro, not collage.
18 is waaay too young. I think a little more reading and research would benefit you, particularly for someone your age. Your natural testosterone levels are sky high right now. I would concentrate on taking advantage of that as you can make tremendous gains in following 6 or 7 years.
It’s best to know the complications and associated health risks that could affect you should you decide to embark on this journey sooner than later. A few more years to allow your developing endocrine system to finish growing, and then perhaps look at using AAS.
Its also important to understand what it is your putting into your body and the associated roles these compounds play, and the dreaded side effects that are bound to creep up on you – especially if you didn’t do your homework. Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for a host of unwanted side affects including premature closure of your growth plates, Erectile Dysfunction, Gynecomastia (b*tch t*ts), and more..
The Young and Steroids
- November 10, 2020 at 1:25 am
True story ! Thought just like you and started at 20 by the time I was 27 I had bitch tits so bad I could not sleep ! I didn’t grow man boobs but the pain I felt was so bad I was buying and being prescribed pain meds and the Dr. way back in the 80’s before you were even born boy as in all men are boys with the mind set you have; and I had ! most guys with that mentality fail to mature until late 20’s mentaly and responsibly ! I was in so much pain that the Dr. ran test and they were no where as advanced as they are today and they saw I was abusng juice which is any at all at 18 is abuse ! Well they fixed me all right they went behind my nipples and cut the glad out and if women getting breast ogmentations hurt like this operation did, I have no idea how vain women are that have it done a second time. I was in the bed for 3 days and when I got up to pee it felt like my chest was going to fall off in the toliet !All of this pain and money because I wanted an edge I was in the Marines when I juiced and was one dumb jarhead ! Now or as of 2011 it was discovered that I had a testosterone level of ( 78 ) and sex / errections were 0 , none , nada , as in no sex no way took 30 mg of Viagra to get a semi ! If I am not mistaken women have a higher testosterone level than ( 78 ) Now I inject every 3.5 days for the rest of my life and it gets old but not to mention the no errection the depression and the joint pain and the no desire to even go on with life all for a few grins and giggles when I was young dumb and full of piss and vinigar !
I am 53 now and on the rd to recovery but the money spent in my 20’s foolishly and to correct my foolishness would have paid for a personal trainer and a dietition ! 23% fat loose some weight and do some cardio ! I am not there yet and may never reach the single digit on the BF% but I would bet I am lower than you and I am 53 you should be ashamed to do what I know you have heard CHEAT ! There are natural supplement and vitimans that will boost your preformance and not destroy your health DHEA, D3, Zinc, Saw Palmetto Grass, B12, Magnesium, Fish oil with omega 3, not to even go into peptides and Cialis for + health reasons ! Not the BS stuff at GNC but real supplements you can learn about on this forum as I have had to do !
Read and learn ! That is a BS excuse to want to go to college to take juice and then your chances are not promised to you ? WHY ? I am 100% disabled and my son is about your size except not as fat and he has played baseball since he was 4 years old and trains with the wrestlers and football players wrestled for two years and at 185 wrestled in the 220 class and still was not college scholarship material but he is going to college loans grants or even if he has to go in the Navy he is going to college . Might not be a bad thing for you to consider with your attituide and lack of disipline !
- November 10, 2020 at 3:42 am
Listen to MK, pleaseUsing ANY kind of AAS or PH’s at a young age is a recipe for disaster, I dont care who told you you’d be fine with winny or tbol, they either have no fuc*ing idea what they’re talking about, or they are just plain lying to you.
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