First Cycle Test-E Questions


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    So I just got some gear, and I’m going to run a test-e cycle. Here are my stats: 23, 6’3", 175 lbs.

    I’m going to run 500mg/week of test-e, and I’d like a lot of advice on this:

    1. I’m guessing i should inject 250mg/1mL 2x per week instead of 500mg/2mL 1x per week, am I right?
    2. I’ve got a skinny ass, should I still use 25g, 1.1/2" syringes or should I switch them up to 1"?

    Nolvadex :
    1. I’m almost positive I should pick up Nolva in case of gyno. So if I start to experience gyno I would take it at 20 mg/day correct? I’ve seen a lot of conflicting information on when and how to use Nolva.
    2. If I don’t experience any gyno, should I use Nolva for PCT or on-cycle?

    hCG :
    1. Should I use hCG at all for a pure test-e cycle?
    2. Does it matter that it’s my first cycle?
    3. If I should take it, how much should I take each week?
    4. Is it alright to combine hCG and test-e into one syringe to keep shots per week at two?

    — Thanks

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  • Replies
    Alright, last question, HCG increases risk of gyno. So, should I hold off on that for first cycle and just let my nads shrink up unless I start taking AI? I’ve read not to take it for PCT (and the opposite), and only to take it with SERM or AI.

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