- This topic has 13 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by Windex.
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- October 30, 2020 at 4:04 am
I’m 6-7 weeks into my cycle that started with:Weeks 1-5
~ 200 mg Test C
~ 250 mg EQ
~ 250 mg DecaWeek 6:
~ 250 mg Test C
~ 300 mg EQ
~ 300 mg DecaWeek 6+
~ 400 mg Test C
~ 500 mg Deca
– No AI –Started off at about 235 and I’m up to 245 now. Strength has gone up a good amount – well it feels a lot easier to do the weight that I could still do before. My right shoulder used to bother the hell out of me, even just lifting it up hurt in certain movements. Now it’s like 1/10 in pain. My elbow tendinitis/bursitis/whatever it is, is hardly noticeable.
My breathe is pretty good, but that might be the EQ still in my system. Blood pressure has stayed consistent, it only went up when I first started and the week I upped the dose. Then it dropped back down to normal. Resting BP today was 105/65, 55 BPM – I take BP meds year-round.
My body looks visibly thicker. I measured my arms cold the other day and I put on almost an inch in circumference.
I dropped the EQ because I didn’t want to get lethargic, get thick blood. I tried donating twice and both times I got there too late. One time I drove an hour and 30 minutes And they closed like 5 minutes before. The Red Cross doesn’t have a fixed location, they do it at like hotels/schools/etc.
This cycle has been my most successful cycle, so far. I have only 2 other cycle. First was underdosed and I was probably on 6-700 mg of sustanon /test C at the highest point (with AI). The second was 150 mg Test + 750 mg EQ and while I saw some definition changes to my traps, arms, and chest, I didn’t gain any size, and I felt very lethargic and out of it at 2 months (no AI).
They say your first cycle is your best… Not for me.
- Replies
- October 30, 2020 at 4:33 am
I would just stick with where your at right now and keep running the deca and test. seems to be working for you for now.on a side note – you mentioned dropping the EQ cause you were worried about it "thickening your blood" and causing lethargy . keep in mind that Deca is generally a lot more efficient at raising RBC and Hematocrit and "thickening blood" then EQ is . thats why Deca became a human grade medical drug (and EQ was dropped) to treat anemia . and even though EQ is a veterinary drug, even in veterinary medicine Deca is used over EQ in animals that are anemic.
so you dropped the wrong drug if that was your purpose.
but the good news here is that . so what.. high RBC and hematocrit is not going to make you lethargic (otherwise endurance athletes wouldn’t be driving their hematocrit levels up way higher then TrueMaxders ever get to). theres no problem with high RBC and Hemo as long as your blood platelet count is in normal range.
if you get lethargic on cycle, its because of water retention and increase blood volume from water and nutrient retention (not RBC)
I wouldn’t go out of my way to donate blood unless I knew my blood platelet count was high . don’t really care if RBC and hematocrit is high, thats supposed to happen when you take AAS , its what you want to happen
- October 30, 2020 at 8:15 am
Ah, it’s good to know that Deca can be worse than EQ. It’s strange, and it may be in my head, but I noticed that before I dropped the EQ, my arms were much veinier. EQ makes my arms look crazy. Deca has made me thick all over, but I’m not getting as veiny.I’m still ok with my decision of dropping EQ, because, well, I didn’t want to start a fresh bottle this late into the cycle, and if I’m going to be raising my RBCs up anyway, I might as well get some size with it.
I may be donating on the 29th if I don’t get there too late again.
- October 30, 2020 at 10:30 am
Of course it works, that’s why it’s been the bread and butter for pros for the decades. It’s no coincidence that every Pro who openly talks about gear brings up Test, Primobolan , and Nandrolone . The other compounds vary person to person but those are often the trifecta.Donating blood on cycle without a legit need (IE platelet count too high) is counterproductive. It just hinders performance. It’s no different than using an AI, or NSAIDs or skipping key elements like nutrient or sleep.
- November 5, 2020 at 6:31 am
Happy to hear this. I’m doing my 1st cycle now which is only 500mg of Test without AI. While I’m happy, it’s pretty mild. For my 2nd I was going to do 500/500 Test E/Deca . How come you bumped your Deca up over the weeks vs just starting out at 500? I was thinking about going with NPP instead of Deca, but I like the idea of less pinning, so I think Deca it’s going to be. How often are you pinning? I’m hoping after that 2nd cycle I’ll feel large enough to finally cut down a little bit.- November 5, 2020 at 7:36 am
Originally Posted by Test Monsterone
Ah, it’s good to know that Deca can be worse than EQ. It’s strange, and it may be in my head, but I noticed that before I dropped the EQ, my arms were much veinier. EQ makes my arms look crazy. Deca has made me thick all over, but I’m not getting as veiny.I’m still ok with my decision of dropping EQ, because, well, I didn’t want to start a fresh bottle this late into the cycle, and if I’m going to be raising my RBCs up anyway, I might as well get some size with it.
I may be donating on the 29th if I don’t get there too late again.
My veins pop out like road maps with EQ, but like you I have to be careful with dosages to avoid increasing RBC too high.
- November 5, 2020 at 9:02 am
Originally Posted by LUCKY PUNCH
My veins pop out like road maps with EQ, but like you I have to be careful with dosages to avoid increasing RBC too high.What kind of dosages are you talking that you can manage before rbc issues?
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- November 5, 2020 at 10:31 am
Originally Posted by nik
Happy to hear this. I’m doing my 1st cycle now which is only 500mg of Test without AI. While I’m happy, it’s pretty mild. For my 2nd I was going to do 500/500 Test E/Deca. How come you bumped your Deca up over the weeks vs just starting out at 500? I was thinking about going with NPP instead of Deca, but I like the idea of less pinning, so I think Deca it’s going to be. How often are you pinning? I’m hoping after that 2nd cycle I’ll feel large enough to finally cut down a little bit.Myself and a lot of members on here prefer to use NPP over Deca and I usually use it at 350mg a week when stacked with EQ and Test
- November 5, 2020 at 11:58 am
Originally Posted by nik
What kind of dosages are you talking that you can manage before rbc issues?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s not just the dose. I was on 750 mg before when I started feeling lethargic and around the 1.5-2 month mark.
I was also on 200 mg/week when I donated and they said my hematocrit was pretty high.
So it’s a combination of dose and duration on.
- November 5, 2020 at 12:57 pm
Right on the money – Eq always causes my RBC to jump way up. If your hematocrit is too elevated, some blood donation center won’t even let you donate (sounds dumb but I’ve literally had them deny me).(Meant to quote LUCKY PUNCH…)
- November 10, 2020 at 1:30 am
Test and NPP were always my favorite to run.Always had very successful results running those two together at moderate doses (500mg of test per week and 400mg NPP per week)
- November 10, 2020 at 2:53 am
Originally Posted by DeveL
Right on the money – Eq always causes my RBC to jump way up. If your hematocrit is too elevated, some blood donation center won’t even let you donate (sounds dumb but I’ve literally had them deny me).I always find this a bit surprising and interesting . over all the years seeing blood work, I rarely see EQ raising RBC more then any other steroid (especially things like Deca or Anadrol ) .
I guess maybe 1 out 10 guys have this genetic pre-dispostition and EQ raises RBC more then other drugs (I don’t see it very often). I’m thinking it has to do with someones sensitivity to DHT (I’d have to look into what other mechanisms could be responsible for this).again though its not that common (even though its listed as a side effect on the ‘bro steroid profiles) . IF Eq was really that consistently good at raising RBC , then it for sure would have lasted as a usable medical drug for humans, instead of being dropped and left only as a vet med drug.
any drug that is that damn good at raising RBC/Hematocrit would be extremely valuable in medicine for humans . but evidently this was not the case and EQ did not consistently raise RBC in most people , and so it was ditched and not used to treat Anemia or used for Post surgery to restore hemoglobin, and instead, things like Deca and Anadrol were used cause they were much more efficient at increasing blood volume compared to Eq in most people .if your one of the few people that get elevated RBC from Eq . I’d consider that a benefit, lucky you. as long as your blood platelet count is in normal range, the elevation in RBC and Hematocrit is going to be a benefit for you, not a negative side effect (like most people online preach).
I wouldn’t donate blood unless your platelet count is high. you want RBC and hemo to be elevated while on cycle and trying to build muscle.- November 10, 2020 at 3:58 am
side note – I’ve got a guy I’ve been helping for over a year . he consistently runs very LOW hemoglobin/hematorcrit . so low they do not let him donate (but he doesn’t need to donate anyhow) . even running Deca and Anadrol his hemo does not seem to elevate like it should .. coincidently , this same guy struggles big time to add any size , even a couple pounds. even running 2 grams of ‘bulking’ gear per week and 6000 cals a day he barely can put on any size (his training is on point).if I was to guess. if he had the opposite effect and had too high of hemo, rather then too low , and the drugs worked like they were supposed to at increasing his RBC ,, then I bet he would be putting on size much more easily .
again, increasing RBC is NOT a negative side effect of AAS , its a positive side effect and what a lot of these drugs are designed/used for
- November 10, 2020 at 5:24 am
Originally Posted by OldBoy
side note – I’ve got a guy I’ve been helping for over a year . he consistently runs very LOW hemoglobin/hematorcrit . so low they do not let him donate (but he doesn’t need to donate anyhow) . even running Deca and Anadrol his hemo does not seem to elevate like it should .. coincidently , this same guy struggles big time to add any size , even a couple pounds. even running 2 grams of ‘bulking’ gear per week and 6000 cals a day he barely can put on any size (his training is on point).if I was to guess. if he had the opposite effect and had too high of hemo, rather then too low , and the drugs worked like they were supposed to at increasing his RBC ,, then I bet he would be putting on size much more easily .
again, increasing RBC is NOT a negative side effect of AAS , its a positive side effect and what a lot of these drugs are designed/used for
I think the general public (and most gym rats) are conditioned to chase a number without taking a step back to look at the context. I have to get above 80% in school to get an "A" in order to be successful (most billionaires are B/C students). I have to get X bloodwork result within Y-Z range.
It doesn’t help that lab reference ranges have become more and more narrow as they slowly hack off each side of the bell curve. The more narrow a reference range is, the easier it is for a doctor to "diagnose" a condition and push the pharma agenda.
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