› Forums › ANABOLIC STEROIDS – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS › 700mg test vs 300mg test and 400mg deca
- This topic has 18 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by St07.
- Post
- October 30, 2020 at 12:29 pm
Would 700mg test give results similar to 300mg test + 400mg deca ? Have always had great results with the test and deca combo above but am thinking about starting propecia so deca would not be an option to cycle.Currently on trt and am 35 yo as far as stats. Obviously this question is for the occasional blast.
Thanks for any advice!
- Replies
- October 30, 2020 at 1:05 pm
I personnaly dislike deca .And love test (except for the acne)
so I would say go with test only.
But… I do think than test deca would yield better gain.
As you wish. Both have potentiel.
- October 30, 2020 at 4:10 pm
Depends on the person probably. In contrast to the above post I love deca , I use it every cycle at some dose. Even if its just 150-200mgs/week for joint relief so I would def choose the test & deca cycle over test only. That being said if you have never run test only at 700 id try that and see how it went for you.- October 30, 2020 at 7:49 pm
Test Deca imo… But like Jimmy said if you’ve never ran test that high try it… I love test but I now love Nandrolone too- November 5, 2020 at 6:16 am
Never ran test above 400mg. Have previous deca or tren cycles I loved, but if I try out propecia then deca wouldn’t be an option. I guess I’ll just have to try the higher test only cycle to see for sure how I like it. Thanks for he replies so far, very much appreciated.- November 5, 2020 at 7:41 am
Originally Posted by St07
Never ran test above 400mg. Have previous deca or tren cycles I loved, but if I try out propecia then deca wouldn’t be an option. I guess I’ll just have to try the higher test only cycle to see for sure how I like it. Thanks for he replies so far, very much appreciated.Be sure to keep your e2 in check at your blast dose of test. You probably know this already but just making sure!
- November 5, 2020 at 9:10 am
From my experience and out of concern for you, I’m going to ask you to read up on Finasteride Syndrome before taking Propecia. Maybe you have already, but at least you know what you’re getting into. A lot of guys don’t recover from the life altering side effects, and that’s why there is a foundation setup to assist. Even heard Dr. Crisler mention it and how he is trying to help guys after they have taken it. IMO, Keeping your hair isn’t worth the potential permanent side effects. It’s bad news…- November 5, 2020 at 10:02 am
I have read about the finastride syndrome, and it according to the research less than 2% of users experience this. However, I am concerned about this as it is a big deal if it did happen. Still trying to decide if I actually want to start propecia. Been thinking bout it for 8 months now.- November 5, 2020 at 11:25 am
Originally Posted by TurboOne
From my experience and out of concern for you, I’m going to ask you to read up on Finasteride Syndrome before taking Propecia. Maybe you have already, but at least you know what you’re getting into. A lot of guys don’t recover from the life altering side effects, and that’s why there is a foundation setup to assist. Even heard Dr. Crisler mention it and how he is trying to help guys after they have taken it. IMO, Keeping your hair isn’t worth the potential permanent side effects. It’s bad news…While I am not dismissing this by any means I think it is important to keep it in perspective. If I recall correctly the numbers are like 1.3% of users experience this in some form. While it is obviously a serious side effect that warrants concern those #’s are very, very low. I have always steered people towards dutasteride over finasteride but i would imagine the premise is the same. It seemed to me in my readings that duta is not only the more effective 5ar inhib mg for mg, it also inhibits both 5ar enzymes, not just one like finasteride does.
- November 5, 2020 at 12:34 pm
Originally Posted by Werewolf998
While I am not dismissing this by any means I think it is important to keep it in perspective. If I recall correctly the numbers are like 1.3% of users experience this in some form. While it is obviously a serious side effect that warrants concern those #’s are very, very low. I have always steered people towards dutasteride over finasteride but i would imagine the premise is the same. It seemed to me in my readings that duta is not only the more effective 5ar inhib mg for mg, it also inhibits both 5ar enzymes, not just one like finasteride does.Edit*** I’ve fiund some studies/info etc…. Thx – very informative thread!
- November 5, 2020 at 1:55 pm
I have read about the finastride syndrome, and it according to the research less than 2% of users experience this. However, I am concerned about this as it is a big deal if it did happen. Still trying to decide if I actually want to start propecia. Been thinking bout it for 8 months now.- November 5, 2020 at 2:49 pm
As part of that 1%, I tend to be very vocal and try to steer folks away. I’m passionate about the issue and experienced bad side effects. So my view and opinion is biased.Fortunately, after a few months, I recovered my manhood. However, after a few years of struggling I’m now on TRT. Assuming the hair loss drug is responsible for my testosterone levels , it was a heavy price to pay for hair. I agree, the odds are with you and you probably won’t have any issues. But for me, it was a scary experience. Not knowing day to day if you would ever be able to perform. There’s a lot of guys on Propecia help forums that agree.
Not trying to scare you man. I’ve given you my experience to try to help. It’s a huge gamble to say I’ll risk never getting an erection again to keep my hair. Just wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting into. A lot of folks trust the docs and never research. That was my fault initially. Never again…
- November 5, 2020 at 3:51 pm
I def appreciate your concern as well as sharing your experience. Glad you recovered!!- November 5, 2020 at 5:14 pm
Jimmy, do you have personal experience using dutasteride over finasteride with better results?- November 5, 2020 at 6:21 pm
I feel like 500mg would be the minimum I would use. And if you have never run over 400mg of test on its own, maybe start with a cycle of 500-700 test by itself. Just a thought.
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