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- November 10, 2020 at 6:30 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Androgen
I inject daily so I also use slin pins. Even down low I hobble with slin pins. Anywhere in the pocket area. When I front load, I have 4 slin pins. So I do about 45 degrees and 90 on each leg.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok. So let me ask you this. With slin pins, are they long enough to get IM in delts and quads or will it most likely be subq? And even with slins, you still hobble and get pip with quad pins?
I inject twice a week. So 1cc twice. Is the stigmata true that you should pin more than .5cc with slin just incase it is subq? So 1cc oil isnt just sitting underneath skin?
And why do you go in at 45 and 90 on quads?
- November 10, 2020 at 3:01 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Androgen
For those of you that hobble with the quads…. try up around the pants pocket area. Works like a charm for me. Down lower and I’m hobbling.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’ve heard that same thing about the pants pocket area. Do you still pin on top too or just at top of quad towards groin but on the upper outer?
- November 5, 2020 at 2:40 pm
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Fenix7
Depends on the site and your individual fat storage distribution.Ok. Thank you so much sir. I was just curious. I felt a 1inch needle is to long for delts.
- November 5, 2020 at 12:19 pm
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Fenix7
Honestly, I don’t trust any gear that isn’t pharma for subq. There is a personal reason for this though. I have really obnoxious ginger skin that treats everything like a horrible invader that must be dealt with, with the full force of my body’s inflammatory responses. I can subq pharma test without issue, but every ugl source gear that I tried results in a pissed off reaction that’s basically like a hornet sting, including the widespread swelling. Made me think I had gotten an infection the first time, but nope, just angry pissy histamine infested skin.I’ve read the same thing for other people. Thats what I dont want is a big abcess that hinders working out But if Im lean enough I wonder if I can hit IM with a 1/2".
- November 5, 2020 at 10:08 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
After doing alot of reading last night on various gear forums and sites, I’m really interested in the whole slin pin thing if it would make injecting easier. I read you shouldnt put more than .5cc subq because the needles arent long enough to hit muscle. But Id love to know everyones thoughts and even some good reads about it.- November 5, 2020 at 8:40 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Nephets
Quads suck. A lot. I’d expect to hobble around for the next couple days.Yeah I had no pip at first but then several hours later and into this morning it was bad. Pretty sore. I know it was virgin muscle so hoping itll get better as I pin more.
- November 5, 2020 at 7:50 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Fenix7
Not as much. I actually have three different sections down my VL that I can pin as part of my rotation, without issue.
People get this whole “need to inject x inches from y” bullshit in their head. A muscle is a muscle, and unless it’s got reduced bloodflow due to a structural problem in your specific body, it doesn’t matter. So long as you’re not hitting nerves and tearing veins left and right, you’ll be fine. Go slow, learn your own body, remember the areas.Lol. I can admit, I of those guys. Watdark_sideng YT and looking online and says you have to pin in a certain spot on the upper outer. Although I read its less pip if you pin at 3 oclock if your looking at the quad from above and the top is 12.
- November 5, 2020 at 3:57 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyI found some 1cc 29g x 1/2" on gpz. Do you think the 1/2 inch is long enough for quads too or just smaller areas like side delts and pecs and bi/tri and so on? Does it take a while to versus say something a tad larger say 27g? Would that be considered "sub-q" instead of "intamuscular"?
- November 5, 2020 at 2:48 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Fenix7
The “quads” have the following benefits that glute max injections don’t:
-it’s more than one muscle.
-the vastus lateralus is much larger by surface area, giving you the ability to rotate a couple of sites without having to worry about the oil permeation that happens. (It’s not a major factor but does happen)Lat injections would also offer this last benefit, assuming you can reliably reach multiple areas without pulling an uncomfortable contortionist act that results in a bunch of syringe movement.
Nine times of ten, people who stick to glute only have this habit of pinning themselves within the same two inch area.
Even most western medicine is slowly moving away from glute max injections, and there are a host of reasons for that.
So even with the quad (vastus lateralis) being a bigger muscle than say the qlutes, when I start pinning them in a rotation with glutes and maybe delts; will I still have to worry the same issues you guys warned me about if I was just pinning glutes? (I.e. scar tissue, oil coming out, more blood, more pip and any other issues) Say if I wanted to do a 2nd or 3rd cycle or bnc? Because from what I researched, you still have to pin in a certain general area of the outer side quad. I guess I just thought of after a couple cycles you could easily have 10 or pins in same area.
- November 3, 2020 at 4:54 pm
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Thanks guys. Did my first quad injection today. Didn’t have any PIP but a few hours later felt like quad/leg wanted to kinda spasm and twitch. Is that normal for quad injections?- November 3, 2020 at 3:53 pm
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Nephets
I wouldn’t do 12 weeks worth. Its not that much work to load a syringe. Do the week if you think it will save you that much time.Ok. Thank you.
- November 3, 2020 at 1:35 pm
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyTo save time, do you think it would be ok if I filled a whole 12 week cycle of syringes and then just ket them sit till I need them?
- November 3, 2020 at 8:44 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Well I appreciate all the help. I guess being my first cycle I still get anxious about various things. Even after having multitude of hours read on the subject and having close friends who do it. I’ll start watdark_sideng YT videos and stuff making sure I do it correctly.I really need to get my diet in check. I’ve gained 7lbs in the 3 weeks on, and I know it’s water retention, because what abs I had are fading and tracking my lifts I’m not necesarily stronger; however I’ve eaten like complete dog shit since Monday due to holidays and need to get back on track.
- November 3, 2020 at 5:40 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by OldBoy
one thing to keep in mind.. the odds of injecting and landing perfectly in a vein and injecting gear in a vein is extremely improbable.
you have better odds of winning the lotto, going to celebrate by going to the beach, then get bitten by a shark and hit by lightning at the same time.
just saying.personally, for spot injecting , I like to using 1/2" 29 g insulin pins. I will back fill a bunch of them at once with gear. then keep them stored and grab one or two every day and spot inject biceps, triceps, front delts, upper pecs, etc..
easy breezyThat is a good idea. Maybe I should do that. I wonder if 1 inch is to long for a delt or quad.
I do know delt is relatively easy as just pin the side delt and call it a day. But with quads, you’re suppose to hit more on the upper outer portion correct?
- November 3, 2020 at 1:00 am
- in reply to: Injection site question?
Originally Posted by Kain
The “quads” have the following benefits that glute max injections don’t:
-it’s more than one muscle.
-the vastus lateralus is much larger by surface area, giving you the ability to rotate a couple of sites without having to worry about the oil permeation that happens. (It’s not a major factor but does happen)Lat injections would also offer this last benefit, assuming you can reliably reach multiple areas without pulling an uncomfortable contortionist act that results in a bunch of syringe movement.
Nine times of ten, people who stick to glute only have this habit of pinning themselves within the same two inch area.
Even most western medicine is slowly moving away from glute max injections, and there are a host of reasons for that.
I appreciate it guys. I’ll switch it up. I currently have 23G x 1.5 needles for the glute. But I litterally just now ordered 25g x 1 so I can try quad and side delt injections. I figured 25g is smaller and 1in is enough for bith spots since I’m not a big massive guy anyway.
I do know the quad has alot veins and blood vessels to look out for as Ive known people to hit them then have issues. Any tips for quad or delt injections?