- This topic has 29 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 3 months ago by T-boner.
- Post
- October 30, 2020 at 5:02 am
I would like my next cycle to be test and tren . What is the recommended amounts for each through a 12 week cycle? This will be my 4th cycle. Had no problems with the 1st 3 other than when I ended with Sus I had a hard time recovering. Last cycle I did test E and ended with prop so pct went fine. I assume I will end tren before the test but how much before And when would pct start? If I end with prop again should I take it out to 14 weeks?
Was thinking this
1-10 test E 250 per wk5
11-12 prop 250 per week
Teen 200 per wk. not sure how many weeks and which week to start and finish tren.
- Replies
- October 30, 2020 at 5:12 am
Hey Guy I am about to start buying anabolic pills I worked out all my life but just cannot seem to bulk up.What would you recommend for me to try?
- October 30, 2020 at 7:28 am
I’m not going to ask stats and all of that. Knowing what ester you plan is important though. Tren ace or enanthate ? In my opinion, tren e is good up to 12 weeks. Tren ace I wouldn’t go over 8. I usually run tren for 6 weeks and use ace. For your first time using it, I would highly recommend the ace. Tren is often times over exaggerated in terms of side effects, but don’t take the warnings lightly. I know many men who can’t handle the sides. If you’re using enanthate and start to experience bad sides, you’re going to be stuck with those side effects for a couple of weeks of you decide to drop it. If you use ace and drop it, you’ll be cleared of the sides in a couple of days. It’s more of a first timer safety precaution. The sides from tren are no joke. A lot of people do over exaggerate them, but they can be really bad. Just my take and advice. As far as dose, 200-350mgs is plenty! Trust me on this one. I’ve ran it at doses that I’m ashamed to admit, and I’ve ran it as low as 37.5mgs every other day. I can tell you from years of experience that more is not always better. 350mgs will yield incredible results. Much more than that can have more risk to reward than its worth. Stick to 200-350mgs weekly. And lastly…..I always run my test at a testosterone replacement dose with tren. I don’t want any performance enhancing from the test. I let the tren be the work horse of my cycle. I don’t want the test fighting the tren for my androgen receptors. I think that’s a big reason for some of the tren sides, but I could be wrong.- October 30, 2020 at 11:28 am
Originally Posted by tino1savage
Hey Guy I am about to start buying anabolic pills I worked out all my life but just cannot seem to bulk up.What would you recommend for me to try?
Fishing. Don’t reply and let the mods handle this angler.
- November 5, 2020 at 5:47 am
Hey no sorry I am not a bot! I am seriously looking for advice sorry- November 5, 2020 at 7:19 am
Originally Posted by PT1982
Fishing. Don’t reply and let the mods handle this angler.I don’t have forum powers 🙁
- November 5, 2020 at 8:18 am
I have tren ace. Was planning to pin 100mg twice per week. Along with 250mg test. If doing tren for 6 weeks, What week should I start and stop the tren? Id like to end with prop again so I’ll need to take that in account when ending tren ace so everything clears out ruffky the same time so I can start pct, right. Or is tren A cleared out in a matter of a few days?- November 5, 2020 at 9:22 am
With tren a you need to pin preferably eod not twice a week. Twice a week will have your levels fluctuating too much.- November 5, 2020 at 10:45 am
Good to know. So tren A clears out quick then? So not a factor when calculating pct start time?
Anyone have a suggestion which week to start tren and when to stop. Should I do 6 or 8 weeks of tren? On weeks that I’m not on tren should I bump up test or does that not matter?- November 5, 2020 at 12:54 pm
If you’re going to run tren for 8 weeks start it at the beginning of the 5th week. You should be able to end both test and tren at the same time. It’s not an issue for me as I just revert back to my TRT dose. Don’t go over 8 weeks this first time. As PT said 6 weeks can be plenty with tren.- November 5, 2020 at 2:22 pm
Best advice I can give on Tren …Have your acid reflux pills ready.200-300 is considered an intermediate dose. If you are using UGL you most likely are only getting 100mg for every 300 you think you should be getting. Most underdosed item on the planet. We took 10 different vials from the more reputable UGLs of Tren E to a spectrograph and it completely blows the mind how much time people waste on a tren cycle that is no where near what they think.
If you can afford Tren buy the powders and make it yourself. There is a reason for so many people saying they shoot 100mg ED of the substance. I was so disheartened by all the "Tren dont like you" talk and I should give it up. It all came down to UGLs scamming people.
- November 5, 2020 at 3:26 pm
Originally Posted by Dreamer
Best advice I can give on Tren …Have your acid reflux pills ready.200-300 is considered an intermediate dose. If you are using UGL you most likely are only getting 100mg for every 300 you think you should be getting. Most underdosed item on the planet. We took 10 different vials from the more reputable UGLs of Tren E to a spectrograph and it completely blows the mind how much time people waste on a tren cycle that is no where near what they think.
If you can afford Tren buy the powders and make it yourself. There is a reason for so many people saying they shoot 100mg ED of the substance. I was so disheartened by all the "Tren dont like you" talk and I should give it up. It all came down to UGLs scamming people.
Damn, that’s good to know and sucks all at the same time.
- November 5, 2020 at 4:55 pm
Op, take some time and read the "All You Need to Know About Tren " sticky thread at the top of this forum.- November 5, 2020 at 6:17 pm
Don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t think your ready to take tren , because if you were you’d already have an idea of what dose to run and for how long. it just seems you’ve done very little if any research for yourself..- November 10, 2020 at 1:18 am
Well I agree. I’m not currently taking tren . What do you think I’m doing in this thread? I’m trying to get all my research done so when I use tren it is in a safe way and will be effective. Thats like saying you’re not ready and not allowed to ask questions in order to get ready. I’m on this forum to learn. That’s all I’m trying do do. Thanks for the sticky referral. I searched tren and for some reason didnt see it.
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